Thurton and Ashby Preschool fund

by Thurton and Ashby Preschool in Thurton, England, United Kingdom

Thurton and Ashby Preschool fund

Total raised £553

raised so far

+ est. £100.00 Gift Aid



The Covid 19 pandemic has left our pre-school without vital funds that we need to stay open, our aim is to use this platform to help.

by Thurton and Ashby Preschool in Thurton, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Any additional funding would be greatly appreciated and would go towards supporting the preschool.

Here at Thurton & Ashby Preschool we put children at the heart of what we do. Our committed, friendly and highly qualified team provide quality care and learning opportunities for children between 2 and school age.

We encourage the children to be outside as much as possible and have an outdoor playroom and sheltered mud kitchen all within a well resourced garden. We also have access to a woodland area on the Village Hall’s land to further support the children’s wonder of the natural world.

Preschools and nurseries are currently experiencing unprecedented hard ship due to the Covid 19 pandemic with a quarter expected to close within the next year through lack of government funding/support through this crisis.

The early years sector has been struggling for a number of years prior to Covid-19  with places at early years providers sought after and becoming increasingly difficult to find. Our local preschool has provided a life line to many parents offering early years care for over 50 years for up to 3 generations in our villages and we are asking for your help.

Please support our preschool by donating what you can and help us rise up from this pandemic to be stronger than ever. 

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