Short Film About Lockdown’s Impact on Young People

by Finley Ratnett in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Short Film About Lockdown’s Impact on Young People

Total raised £0

£1,500 target 21 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 8th March 2025 at 9:29am

Invest in bringing this story to life as well as the future of impactful storytelling as I work to establish my career after university!

by Finley Ratnett in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Lockdown was a time in history that changed all of our lives, but for young people, the impact was profound. From isolation and mental health struggles to disrupted education and relationships, these experiences often went unheard.

This short film will tell the untold stories, exploring how lockdown shaped a generation. Created by young people, it will be a raw, honest, and moving portrayal of the struggles and resilience of a group finding their voice after a time of silence.

Funds raised will go directly towards production costs, including equipment, locations, and crew. By contributing, you’re not only helping create this important film, but you’re also investing in the future of impactful storytelling as I work to establish my career after university.

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