Three weeks to save the lives of 5 Mauritian pups!

by 4 PAWS Rescue and Relocation in Coalville, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Total raised £4,085

raised so far



3 weeks to save the lives of seven-month old sisters Peanut, Cookie, Coco, Oreo and Candy and get them to the UK.

by 4 PAWS Rescue and Relocation in Coalville, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

1660510848_f8231670-0421-48ba-ba40-18e67d58908c.jpegPlease help.

I have less than three weeks to save the lives of five puppies. Rescuing and rehoming five dogs in one go is challenge enough in the UK but I am trying to help ones that are 6,000 miles away on the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.  


At the end of August seven-month old sisters Peanut, Cookie, Coco, Oreo and Candy will be euthanised, unless homes can be found for them in the UK. Currently they are being cared for by a foster/rescuer on the island who says she has no choice but to euthanise the pups when her job takes her away from home at the beginning of September. Although she has tried to find people on the island to help, no one else on the island is prepared or able to take them on.  She has, however, offered to help subsidise their flights to the UK.


The pups were born on school premises when the building was closed due to Covid restrictions. When the headmaster discovered them he threatened to call MSAW who at this point in time were still able to euthanise dogs found in school grounds. The mum unfortunately has already been returned to the streets as she was  previously a stray. However this is not an option for the pups as they do not have the skills needed to survive on the streets and would likely be attacked by other street dogs or killed on the roads. The pups are described as friendly, sociable, mischievous, and playful.  They have been fully vaccinated, sterilised, microchipped and have had the relevant blood tests needed to travel.


I desperately need help towards funding the pups’ transportation to the UK abs getting them into foster homes (or better still forever homes). I can be contacted at: [email protected] or on WhatsApp 07496824661 if you would like to be considered to foster or can offer rescue space.

1660511097_bcb2d6a9-2969-4d3f-b80f-a04f2dd97439.jpegI set up 4Paws Rescue and Relocation in the UK and in the last five years I’ve rehomed more than 800 dogs from this so called ‘paradise island’. But post-pandemic, with thousands of dogs being surrendered to rescues in the UK alone, there are fewer and fewer people seeking to adopt.

For those unfamiliar with Mauritius, it is a tiny island with a big stray dog (and cat) problem. There are over 300,000 strays struggling to survive. Animal abuse and cruelty is rife.  You cannot drive or walk down a street without seeing suffering of every kind. As well as the cruelty they endure they suffer from starvation, illness and horrific injuries caused by a life on the streets. It really is a hellhole for animals.

These pups will not survive being put into a life on the streets but the only alternative of euthanasia is absolutely shocking.

These are 5 young sisters that are healthy and full of life but due to the country they are born in they have NO future! They did not ask to be born and they don’t deserve to die! 

To anyone who feels helping dogs from another country is wrong when there are so many unwanted dogs in this country, all I can say is that compassion should have no borders.  I have several rescues from the UK as well as from Mauritius.  As far as I am concerned, an animal in need is an animal in need wherever it happens to be.


Footnote: 4 Paws Rescue and Relocation is a non-profit organisation working with rescuers in Mauritius to rehome stray animals to homes in the UK.  We also help rescue stray dogs from hotels on the island for tourists that fall in love with them and want to adopt them and bring home to the UK.

Mass sterilisation on the island is the only long term solution to the stray population and I support this with sterilisation days when possible, care of some resident hotel packs, vaccination and veterinary treatment when needed.


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