The Yorkshire Feminist Collective

by The Yorkshire Feminist Collective in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The Yorkshire Feminist Collective

Total raised £560

£1,000 target 37 days left
56% 17 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 24th March 2025 at 10:42pm

We are marching for the rights of women and girls worldwide. With your help and donations we can make sure our march is powerful & impactful

by The Yorkshire Feminist Collective in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Our Statement, January 2025.

There’s a global femicide taking our loved ones, friends, family, neighbours and nationwide. It's time to make our voices heard. We do not have the luxury of sitting back and watching the

patriarchy, consumerism and misogyny destroy our communities.

We are fighting against:

  • The patriarchy
  •  Misogyny
  • Violence against women and girls globally
  •  Bigotry
  •  Discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, gender orientation, age, disability, class.

Unfortunately there are many more issues women around the world face due to the systematic oppression of misogyny through the patriarchy. That have to be faced. All women deserve equality, everywhere.

Since 2018 in the UK violence against women has increased by 37%.

Women are not free until all women are free.

Will you support us?

What do we aim to do?

We are creating a lovely community within Yorkshire who’s values align with intersectional feminism, by using our platform to educate people on how discrimination intertwines with misogyny.

We are also working alongside charities and individuals to advocate and combat issues women and minorities face globally.

We aim to work alongside Yorkshire MP’s and Councillors to show policymakers we won’t stand and watch our rights taken from us. We aim to inspire future generations to envision and realise a world free from violence, hate and discrimination.

Our organisation aspires to play a pivotal role in driving the societal transformation needed to achieve equality for women across all spheres, including healthcare, pay, safety, workplaces, education, and cultural norms. We are committed to being a leading force in these discussions, fostering a community where every debate and dialogue becomes a valuable opportunity to educate and be educated.

What we envision.

A world free from oppression with equal rights for all where people feel empowered to reach their full potential.

We envision a world where community is at the forefront of everybody's minds. A world where everybody is safe, treated equally and where the young generation and those that come after them will read about our struggles in a history book not tomorrow's paper.

Our feminism is intersectional and always will be.

Inclusivity is at the very core of The Yorkshire Feminist Collective and has been since day one. We acknowledge how race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, faith and disability intersect. Women are exposed to racism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia, not just sexism and misogyny. This means we must acknowledge these differences for feminism to work.

Our community does not tolerate any form of hate or bigotry. We care for, support and champion one another all day, everyday.

Definition of intersectional feminism: Intersectional feminism is a feminist theory that recognizes how different forms of discrimination can interact to affect a person’s life. It’s based on the idea that people experience life through multiple identities, and that discrimination can be based on a combination of those identities.

In a world that is constantly advancing, we cannot allow the patriarchy to press rewind, taking us back into the past and revoking our rights.

Human rights are worth the fight.

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