We're a small grassroots charity based in the Robin Hood village of Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire. Since 1995, we've been working to help preserve, protect and celebrate the nature and heritage of what was once the Royal Hunting Forest of Sherwood. We work with our local community on practical projects ranging from heathland conservation to WW2 archaeology, getting people hands on with our local greenspace and history.
Donate to this charity
0We're a small Nottinghamshire charity focussed on what was once the great medieval hunting forest of Sherwood. Over many centuries much of its woodland and heath has been fragmented and lost.
Help us conserve the many small pockets of ancient heath that still exist, green oases for wildlife and nature. Help us plant British native trees in areas that were planted with conifers for timber production during two world wars, but which are now being cleared. Each winter we take school pupils and community groups out to plant new saplings.
Give us a hand in helping reveal the hidden history of Sherwood Forest, by training local people to help in archaeological surveys and archive research.
Out latest project is setting up a Community Tree Nursery to produce the saplings we need for our winter tree planting, from acorns and tree seed collected by local volunteers.
Help England's historic 'Heart of Oak' - Sherwood Forest!