We exist to make recovery achievable for people experiencing homelessness and addiction.
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Total raised so far £10,689
+ est. £1288.25
8Life is difficult for people experiencing homelessness and addiction, and without a place to call home stability is hard to achieve. For people using drugs or alcohol, accessing and sustaining accommodation while managing all of life’s complexities becomes increasingly challenging. Lack of accommodation and addiction are inextricably linked and without addressing both neither will be resolved.
People experiencing homelessness and addiction who identify residential treatment as a primary goal will often be met with barriers, conditions and delays. If this describes your situation and you aspire to a life in recovery then The People’s Recovery Project is your community.
When people are given the opportunity to access residential detox and rehab the results can be transformative for the individual concerned.
The People’s Recovery Project is inspired by real journeys made by individuals experiencing homelessness and addiction through treatment and into recovery. These examples are currently the exception and through shared purpose our community is seeking to make recovery achievable and sustained for people in this situation.
We are building a community that has the knowledge and understanding to support people on transformative journeys and create an environment where great people can become greater people.