The Orchard Nature Recovery Project

by Clare Walters in North Walsham, Norfolk, United Kingdom

The Orchard Nature Recovery Project
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Restoration of nature and carers

by Clare Walters in North Walsham, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Many of you will know my history as an active campaigner against climate and nature collapse. It does seem that things are going into freefall at the moment. So I have bought some land in a quiet corner of Norfolk to give wildlife a little space to thrive. It is surrounded by woodland and rough grazing and it used to be common land - a remnant of the common is only 200 metres away.

In time I want to welcome carers to the site for rest and regeneration in conjunction with the Healing Harbour. a local commassionate communityy project here in East Norfolk.

There are already fruit trees, a pond, willows and alder on the land and nearly 2 acres of rough grass. It has been pesticide free for at least a decade. I have already planted a thick hedge (Thank you, Woodland Trust and Dilham Canal Trust volunteers) and the rest of the land will be left as rough grassland with shorter areas for wildlfowers. 

The summer project at The Orchard is to improve the water quality of the pond which lies at the far corner of the land. It is fed by 2 ditches that both take run-off from farmland so the water is very nutrient-rich. This means it grows a great crop of blanket weed and duck weed that tend to smother the pond and willl reduce the diversity of critters that can live in it. In the picture I have just raked a load of blanket weed from around the edge. I caught a very pregnant frog in the process so at least we are likely to have some tadpoles this year!!

The pond has a good range of aquatic plants even though it is still quite new. I have not surveyed what else lives there yet. I hope someone can offer their time to do that this summer.

A crowdfunder has already gone a long way towards the costs and the digging will commence this summer. I cant thank all my lovely supporters enough. I do hope you will visit and see what your £££ are enabling. 

The latest unexpected cost is the caravan window. Some joker put a stone through it with a catapault. it is a big pane and needs to be replaced with toughened glass at a cost of £220.

Would you like to chip in towards the cost? Here is a crowdfunder link just in case you can.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Fruit harvested from the site (organic and heritage varieties).

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