The aim is to provide online support to service users struggling with the demons of their past trauma.
I am the founder of the lion theory project. After suffering from extreme trauma i d had enough... after losing way too many people who couldn't handle their trauma and who had died either through poor mental health or substance misuse. They never stood a chance at life. I wanted to build a project with workshops that actually had a effect. I went to University and built a program for adult survives of childhood trauma. I built a trauma resilience tool which had amazing effect for years in the community.
But it was not reaching enough people !! and that's when i decided i needed to go on line.
The project is only just up and running and is funded by myself. The service users do not pay. It is a free service.
We currently have 150 service users on our books. From ex services to adults abused as children.
We run a program, 2 workshops and a support community. The staff give up what time they have to the project free.
There is still more people out there that need our help but we are limited. Our nets can only go so far due to lack of funding.
We don't have the means to adverts and let people know we are here, who need our help. We are different from all the other projects cause we have all made our own journey to recovery.
By funding us, you will give so many people a life line when they need it the most. Learning to live again after trauma is one of the hardest things anyone can do.
Visit our website for more information on the work we do:
Lion theory project | childhood trauma (