The Evil Ted (working title) - a student film

by Daniel Isaacs in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

The Evil Ted (working title) - a student film

Total raised £310

£1,500 target 10 days left
20% 15 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 25th February 2025 at 4:05pm

An absurd horror comedy satirising student film tropes. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia meets The Evil Dead and Braindead (Dead Alive).

by Daniel Isaacs in London, Greater London, United Kingdom


The Evil Ted (working title) is a student film about a student film about a student film. Still with me? Mac, Dan and Ted are characters in the film The Evil Ted, a derivative student film about a group of friends who find a demonic book and read from it, which leads to one of them being possessed. We join the crew making The Evil Ted as they discover that the book they purchased as their prop is infact a real demonic book, as the actor who reads from the book becomes possessed and murders the crew. However, the absurdity continues as not everything is as it seems.


Writer/Director - Daniel Isaacs

I find that there is a high level of faux intelectualism in a lot of student films when they approach making a genre film, especially horror. An over abundance of twists and low quality practical violence paired with a shallow message and an over reliance on drug use. This film rejects being intelectual outright, I wanted to embrace my own comedic influences and love of the horror genre, take these student film tropes and embrace them to an almost absurdist degree.


With all your wonderful donations it will enable us to secure our location, buy all the props we need and get all the wonderful practical gore as best as we can make it. Very excited for this project, anything you give will help us make this the best it can be!

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This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

A Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Even £5 can help, and for that you get our deepest gratitude :)

£10 or more

Film and Poster

Digital copy of the film and poster

£20 or more

PDF of the Script

as well as getting the digital film and poster, you will also receive a PDF with the script of the film

£40 or more

Cor Blimey

physical signed copy of the poster and script, digital copy of the film and a special thanks in the credits

£100 or more

Someone's made of money!

All previously mentioned rewards, as well as an executive producer credit

£1,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

you have too much money

You get all other rewards plus you will be the proud owner of all the props used in the film

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