This dark, comedy short explores an under-threat public house, The Dead Dog, through the eyes of its most flamboyant regular – The Duke.
by helen in Bristol
Inspired by the broken-down but beloved boozers of their youth and the startling rate of closure amongst rural pubs, Helen and Sam originally wrote this black comedy as a feature. They are hoping that this film will pave the way for the full feature as well as being enjoyed as a stand-alone short.
The Dead Dog has been selected as an iShorts3 project, supported by Creative England and the BFI
The Duke is hell-bent on saving The Dead Dog from the forces of gentrification that he feels pose a threat to his community and its traditions. To do this, he tries to prove the pub's worth by nominating it in the national contest, 'Britain's Best Boozer', blissfully unaware of just how far it is from winning this title.
Seemingly descended from aristocrats, part of a long line of moneyed – then bankrupted – eccentrics with several lifetimes' worth of tall stories to spin, The Duke is an ex-con with nowhere else to belong. He's like an exotic bird amongst the simple folk of the village and, as such, has become their drunken prince and the pub his castle. He swaggers through the pub like a walking blend of Gandalf and Keith Richards.
The Dead Dog pub, centuries old and steeped in local history, is now a faded, dilapidated hot-bed of oddity. It is fitted with improvised furniture, frequented by weirdos, powered by a temperamental generator and has only life-threatening home brews on tap (which have been made with whatever ingredients fell off the back of that day's lorry).
Things can only go badly....
Josh Hyams - Producer, Revolution Films.
Josh Hyams is an actual, real-life, successful film mogul. He responds to blackmail so well that he has embraced this project more wholeheartedly than we ever could have imagined, when we turned up at his house in the dead of night. He is producing this film of his own free will.
Helen Bolter - Director / Writer
Helen Bolter's death, in 1993, both inspired her creative trajectory and launched the mid-nineties acid house scene. Though she is now merely a collection of skull fragments, she remains one of the most promising British film-makers on the circuit.
Sam Thomas - Writer
Many thought it impossible to crossbreed a gibbon and a King Charles spaniel, let alone secure their offspring a British passport. What fools these doubters have been proved to be, as for over thirty years this king of the beasts has been swinging from tree to tree, writing comedy and urinating on bins, all under the union flag.
Saba Kia - Producer
The new Saba Kia goes from 0 to 60 in just six seconds and features power-assisted steering, heated seats, a snow globe and comes in a charming range of colours including Essex Orange, Educational Failure Red and Fingered at Tina's House Party Purple.
Erline O Donovan - Editor
In 1981, Erline O'Donovan was voted Gibraltar's favourite baker, having built a fully-functioning primary school out of tiger bread, which is still used to this day. Erline likes sherbet and mongrels and sometimes combines these loves with such gusto that the authorities have to be informed.
We still need to raise about £3,000 in order to go ahead and make our film. We need money for camera and sound kit, lights, travel expenses for cast and crew and posh stuff like edit suites and chocolate hob nobs. We need extra money to sound-proof the basement so that we can "keep" Josh for a bit longer without alerting the neighbours...
We have absolutely no idea.
Gary, Gary, Gary - Rob Tofield.
Director and Writer - Helen Bolter.
Writer and Voiceover - Sam Thomas.
Producer - Saba Kia.
Director of Photography - Simon Waldock.
Editor - Erline O'Donovan.
Composer - Darryl O'Donovan.
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