Set up and serving people across the Borders since 2006, The Borders Green Team is a well loved and admired organisation providing training and employment for people with learning and physical disabilities. We undertake a wide range of gardening maintenance services including grass cutting, path laying, shed building and general garden clearance- meaning we provide meaningful and perception changing work for both trainee and customer. Proudly, we work with a range of clients both public and private and have helped hundreds of individuals on to a more positive pathway in life, be it building up confidence to speak to people, gain employment on their own terms or even becoming members of our core team! Everyone who joins us works on a personal development plan, working towards their own individual goals and they are also encouraged to develop not only interpersonal skills during placement but to try new tasks including woodwork to assisting with the maintenance of the property. They are mentored and cared for, allowing them to build skills that allow them to lead a more liberated and independent life. It’s a welcoming and warm environment for people whom are often marginalized and not given a chance. Here at the Green Team we know the direct impact our learning team has on our business and we wouldn’t work without the range of people and personalities that make us up! Our clients chose us other traditional, ‘for profit’ organisations because not only is our delivery at industry standard but they trust us with creating a lasting legacy in the community.
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Total raised so far £1,932
+ est. £440.50
Set up and serving people across the Borders since 2006, The Borders Green Team is a well loved and admired organisation providing training and employment for people with learning and physical disabilities.
We undertake a wide range of gardening maintenance services including grass cutting, path laying, shed building and general garden clearance- meaning we provide meaningful and perception changing work for both trainee and customer.
Proudly, we work with a range of clients both public and private and have helped hundreds of individuals on to a more positive pathway in life, be it building up confidence to speak to people, gain employment on their own terms or even becoming members of our core team!
Everyone who joins us works on a personal development plan, working towards their own individual goals and they are also encouraged to develop not only interpersonal skills during placement but to try new tasks including woodwork to assisting with the maintenance of the property. They are mentored and cared for, allowing them to build skills that allow them to lead a more liberated and independent life.
It’s a welcoming and warm environment for people whom are often marginalized and not given a chance. Here at the Green Team we know the direct impact our learning team has on our business and we wouldn’t work without the range of people and personalities that make us up!
Our clients chose us other traditional, ‘for profit’ organisations because not only is our delivery at industry standard but they trust us with creating a last legacy in the community.