Thames Bridges Trek 25km walk

by Keith Wisdom in West Drayton, England, United Kingdom

Thames Bridges Trek 25km walk

Total raised £290

Gift Aid
+ est. £40.00
£100 target 6 days left
290% 7 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 21st September 2024 at 2:08pm

I am raising money for Flying Start by completing the 25km Thames Bridges Trek on the 14th of September as a member of a team of 30 from BA

At the tender age of 62 I am back flying as Cabin Crew after being away for 14 years due to ill health. It’s  been a long journey back but I am not only flying I am running too and enjoying life. I genuinely cannot take the smile from my face as I walk through the Terminal. Flying Start is important to me for you quickly become aware as you travel this big wonderful world that a lot of children and young adults have a very different start in life to what I had. Living on the streets everyday hungry and vulnerable. There are people though who care. Striving  to ensure these children and young adults are fed educated and kept safe. My humble part is to try and help fund the projects that support these fantastic people not only here but around the World. This is done by collecting money generously given by our passengers on the aircraft but also by  participating in challenges such as this one The Thames Bridges Trek. Not running but walking over the bridges of London covering 25km in total. My feet may ache at the end of this but I will enjoy every moment of it you can be sure of that. So please if you are able to please sponsor me. This is the first of a series of City River walks that I and another crew member intend to do and in  2025 around May time we will be doing the same thing in Glasgow, Newcastle and Manchester. That’s plenty more Km and a lot more bridges. I haven’t forgotten Belfast either if we can. So thank you for reading this to the end and thank you for any support you can give. 

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