People often tell us that they have lost faith in current politics. Greens propose solutions which are fair to people, are based on the best available evidence, and will be kind to the planet where we live. The Green Party wants to see improvements in services such as public transport, energy, water and healthcare - and believes these should be in the public’s hands (not run by private companies to make a profit).
Mid Devon are supporting candidates in the constituencies of
- Central Devon
- Tiverton & Minehead
We will use funds raised in this crowdfunder to pay the £500 deposit for each candidate as well as print leaflets. We aim to get a free post leaflet out to every household in the two constituencies.
We have two fantastic candidates who have been nominated to stand and we hope to give everyone the opportunity to vote Green at the next General Election.
Central Devon – Gill Westcott
Gill Westcott has a background in teaching (primary and secondary) and research. She’s helped grow and sell vegetables, taught peer educators on climate change in schools and run craft-based camping holidays. She’s a grandmother, a Mid Devon District councillor, and a director of New Prosperity Devon which promotes a strong sustainable local economy and Community Wealth Building. She helped found Cheriton Bishop Community Land Trust to provide social housing in her rural village.
Gill believes democratic rights need restoring, with a genuinely independent Electoral Commission and a proportionate voting system where every vote counts. "Growing inequality and climate change make for more chaotic and risky prospects, so we need serious action for a fairer and safer future - action on climate, jobs and nature. We need better health and public services, especially in rural areas, and genuinely affordable housing solutions to safeguard the life chances of today's young people."
Tiverton & Minehead – Laura Buchanan
Laura lives in Mid Devon and works as a Project Manager at Exeter University as well as a Development Manager for Sustainable Tiverton’s Share Shop (a Library of Things). She is passionate about sustainability and has worked at Defra and the Soil Association in the past.
“I’m standing to be the Green Party candidate for Tiverton & Minehead as I don’t think any other party is prepared to take decisive actions to protect our planet and create the fairer society we need.
It feels like the green agenda is a low priority for the other parties just at the time where it needs to be at the centre of every decision made.”
As your Green Party Candidate, the things I am fighting for are;
- A rapid roll out of cheap renewable energy.
- The end to sewage being frequently dumped in our rivers and seas.
- Sustainable transport in rural areas that meets the needs of the public.
- Fixing potholes and ensure Councils get the funding they need to resurface roads for the long term.
- More affordable & sustainable housing.
Don't forget
Standing General Election candidates helps the Green Party generate Short Money – the financial assistance every opposition party receives to help fund parliamentary business. This is worth around £1 per vote to the Green Party – no matter which constituency that vote came from. Standing a Green Party candidate doesn't just demonstrate our growing strength; it's a strategic move that could fund our mission over the entire parliamentary term.
Promoted by Laura Buchanan (Green Party) , C/O South-West Green Party -17 Great George Street, Bristol BS1 5QT