Support The Voice Project!

by THE VOICE PROJECT LIMITED in Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

We did it
On 8th December 2022 we successfully raised £10,100 ( + est. £2014.00 Gift Aid ) with 161 supporters in 28 days

Support The Voice Project aims to raise £10,000 to help us cover the costs of running our winter singing projects in Norwich and Brighton.


 New stretch target

Any extra funds we raise would be used to support the next project we plan to do in Summer 2023. 



Still from The Distance Between Us 2021.Directed by Jonathan Baker, Sian Croose, Nathan Clarke and Sal Pittman. Music by Jonathan Baker, Sian Croose, Orlando Gough.

'The Voice Project is so much more than a choir, it's more like being part of an amazing picture'. Choir member - Summer 2022

The Voice Project is a music charity, based in Norwich, running projects year round in Norfolk, Suffolk and Sussex, for anyone who wants to sing, to come and take part in an original performance of new vocal music, staged in inspiring surroundings.

Each project is designed to be completely accessible, affordable and uplifting and brings community choirs together with a team of brilliant creative professionals to present award - winning performances.  

Since 2009, we have made some amazing work and survived all kinds of financial ups and downs. We want to be able to continue to offer accessible, inspiring, affordable, life - enhancing singing experiences, maintain our creative standards and pay our colleagues properly.  

As many of you know, we are able to create projects and performances on the scale that we do, as we apply for, and often receive, funding from Arts Council England, as well as other smaller grant making trusts and foundations. This funding helps cover the costs of artist fees, venue hire, administration support and technical costs among other things. The income that we earn from participant fees and ticket sales for shows covers approximately 50% of the costs of running the project. 

We applied for Arts Council funding for our next project ‘The Distance Between Us’, which is a new performance piece, based on an award - winning film that we made in the lockdown period of winter 20/21,  but unfortunately, we haven’t been successful this time. The funding climate is extremely competitive and there are always many more applicants than funds available. 

So, we are asking for your help in raising funds to cover some of the shortfall by launching this Crowdfunding appeal. We know that times are hard for a lot of people at the moment, and that a project like ours may seem like an 'extra'.  We also know from years of gathering feedback, that The Voice Project is a really valuable and important part of peoples lives, helps with mental and physical health, and connects us a community when times are tough, and we want to ensure  that we are able to keep it going ! There are a selection of great rewards for your support, or you can just make a donation. 

Quotes about the Voice Project from Participants

About taking part ..

“It has opened my eyes to my own capabilities and given me a great circle of friends and contacts, a remarkable sense of belonging and fulfillment.”

“As a carer I struggle to do anything for myself. Taking part in the Voice Project is something I do just for myself. And it's an opportunity to get out and socialise with others. Without it I'd be quite isolated.”

“Being part of a big choir is an amazing experience. I'm not the best singer in the world, but together we make an awesome sound.” 

 About the film project 

"To the whole team - your skills and talents are bringing something very special together. The Distance Between Us will be an iconic representation of how creative thoughts and actions can keep creative activity (and singers!) going during the toughest times. Your project deserves a place in historic archives, as well as being a current work of art for the world to see!"

We have set a target of £10,000 and it would be brilliant if we could reach it. No contribution is too large or small, and all will be very gratefully received.  Raising this money will make a huge difference to us.

Your contribution will help us pay for

Subsidised places for low- income choir members

Venue hire for rehearsal and performance venues 

Production costs for performances - hiring lights and staging   

Professional soloist fees for rehearsals and performances 

Fees for production staff, stage manager/lighting designer 

The appeal will finish on December 10th  and everything we raise will go towards the costs of running The Voice Project between now and February 2023. If we raise more than the target we will ensure that all monies raised go towards future community projects. 

Thanks so much for reading this and for your support!

Sian, Jon and Steph.

The Voice Project.  

You can watch the whole film here

Visit our website here


The Voice Project- I Reach Right Up to the Sun- Houghton Hall - photo Phil Sayer.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£15 or more


Thanks and your name in the programme for the performances of 'The Distance Between Us' in Norwich and Brighton in January and February 2023.

£15 or more

2 of 20 claimed

Be our guest at a choir rehearsal

Attend an open choir rehearsal at Norwich Friends Meeting House on January 17th at 7.30pm, or St Lukes, Prestonville, Brighton on February 4th at 2pm.

£25 or more

5 of 50 claimed

The Voice Project CD signed by the composers.

A copy of our album The World on Either Side, signed by the composers Jonathan Baker, Orlando Gough and Sian Croose.

£50 or more

5 of 20 claimed

Signed and Handwritten copy of 'Lakes of the Moon'

A handwritten copy of 'Lakes of the Moon' - the opening song of 'The Distance Between Us', by composer Orlando Gough.

£50 or more

5 of 20 claimed

Print of 'Reversion' signed by poet Esther Morgan

A signed print of the poem 'Reversion' by Esther Morgan, commissioned by the Voice Project.

£100 or more

6 of 50 claimed

Illustrated print of Barren Estate by Tara Sampy

‘Barren Estate’ Poem by Esther Morgan / Illustration by Artist Tara Sampy.

£500 or more

0 of 5 claimed

Bursary for 5 low income choir members

Bursary fund to fund 5 places on the next Voice Project These can have your name attached or be anonymous if you prefer.

£1,500 or more

0 of 3 claimed

A new song for The Voice Project Choir

A new song written for the Voice Project Choir by one of our composition team for our Summer 2023 project, with a dedication of your choice.

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.