Support Nancledra Preschool for now and the future

Leanne Goodwin avatar

Project by Leanne Goodwin

Support Nancledra Preschool for now and the future

Total raised £2,074

raised so far

+ est. £327.25 Gift Aid



We need your help to protect Nancledra Preschool for our local children now and future families.


Nancledra Preschool holds a longstanding reputation for working in partnership with families to nurture and inspire young learners to thrive. There will be many ex pupils out there who will look back fondly at their early years and will be grateful for such a fantastic start. 

We have a beautiful rural setting, sitting alongside Nancledra Primary School. With a desire to provide the very best for our children and to respond to the changing needs of our families, we moved into a brand new building five years ago so that we could provide full and part time care for babies and up to school age children, as well as wrap around provision for the school. 

Currently we support 39 families and employ 11 staff. We have a waiting list of children keen to start. We also provide placements for students who are working towards childcare qualifications. We have a very happy preschool community and we are proud of what we offer. 


Unfortunately, COVID-19 has impacted us enormously and we are struggling financially.

We have had a fall in revenue of £30,000 this year brought about by loss of fees and fundraising opportunities as well as additional costs to comply with COVID regulations. 

Despite the national drive to raise the profile of early years and its acknowledgement that what happens to children before they start school will have a huge impact on the rest of their lives, there is no additional funding to carry us through this difficult time. Consequently, many nurseries across Cornwall and the rest of the UK are closing down. We cannot let this happen to us and our community and this is why we are crowdfunding.


Our short term goal is …

…to raise £10,000 to help bridge the gap until we are able to run once again at normal capacity. We are a charity run, non-profit preschool. All of the money raised will go towards operating the preschool, providing equipment, resources and the daily running costs. 

Our long term goal is…

…to purchase our building! Rent for our building is a high monthly outgoing and so we have a dream to raise £250,000 to purchase it. We would continue to retain our charity status allowing us to pour all of the saved money back into the development of our provision.


  • donating whatever you can afford towards these two goals. At this current time, we know the sacrifice behind every donation.
  • sharing your expertise by suggesting ways to tap into grants or sponsorship.
  • suggesting additional fundraising activities
  • spreading the word!  It is estimated that if you share with just 10% of your Facebook friends, then we could reach 18,000 potential givers.


Thank you!! 

From Everyone at Nancledra Preschool


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