Support Gez Kinsella at the General Election

by Matt McGuinness in Belper, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

We did it
On 5th July 2024 we successfully raised £1,220 with 53 supporters in 42 days

Help Gez and Amber Valley Greens raise the money needed for this year's election in Mid Derbyshire.

by Matt McGuinness in Belper, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We will use any extra money for greater publicity and reach for this and our ongoing campaigns to represent many communities across the Borough of Amber Valley and the County of Derbyshire.

Gez Kinsella has a wealth of experience

Gez is the Derbyshire County Councillor for Duffield and Belper South and a councillor for Belper South on Amber Valley Borough Council. He is used to working hard for the people he represents.

He is part of the Amber Valley Green Party who have worked over the last 10 years to build trust and recognition within many villages and towns in Amber Valley, resulting in the ever increasing support of communities at the ballot box. With five Green councillors on Amber Valley Council and a Green Mayor in Belper, Greens are going from strength to strength.

General Election 2024

With this General Election he and the team want to represent the views, concerns and aspirations of the residents of Mid Derbsyhire, to put forward` honest and clear ideas about how we should work together to address all the issues we all face, from potholes to the Climate Crisis. 

Your donation will make a real difference

The Green Party has over 50,000 members but unlike other parties who get large donations, often from those seeking to influence them,  we mostly rely on the general public for funds.. Without this funding it is almost impossible to contest the election, to offer an alternative to the usual short term and self interested agenda of the other parties, and so please support this crowdfunder in any way you can. Please donate here and share this will all your family and friends. 

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.