Day-Mer has been providing help and advice for the most urgent problems and needs of immigrants living and working in London for the last 31 years. Day-Mer, which carries out its services and activities with the perspective of "the unity of native and immigrant workers", has mobilised all its available opportunities and resources from the beginning of the pandemic to reach out to those who need help the most. Your support will contribute to the continuation of Day-Mer's services for those who cannot benefit from welfare services, those facing homelessness, single mothers, those on low income, disabled people and children living in poverty.
Please visit our Facebook and Twitter pages to see some of the work we have been doing.
Day-Mer, 31 yıldır Londra’da yaşayan göçmenlerin en acil sorun ve ihtiyaçlarının çözümüne yardımcı olmak için hizmet yürütmektedir. Hizmet ve faaliyetlerini ‘Yerli ve göçmen emekçilerin birliği’ perspektifi ile yürüten Day-Mer, pandeminin başından itibaren tüm imkan ve olanaklarını en çok yardıma ihtiyaç olanlara el uzatmak için seferber etti. Sizlerin sunacağı katkı ve destekler Day-Mer’in, sosyal yardımlardan yararlanamayanlar, evsizler, yalnız anneler, dar gelirliler, engelliler ve yoksul çocuklar için yürüttüğü hizmetlerin devam etmesine katkı sunacaktır.
Crowdfunder is waiving its platform fees for community and charity crowdfunding projects during the coronavirus crisis. The Covid-19 epidemic could affect millions of people in the next few weeks.
These are unprecedented times but together, we are stronger, and the response is coming from communities across the country.
Volunteer groups are springing up to tackle the logistical problems faced in our communities – but they need urgent support. That's where we come in.