Support Brandina to become a nurse

by Emily Bell in Zambia

Support Brandina to become a nurse

Total raised £2,535

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To support a young Zambian woman, Brandina Zulu, to fulfill her dream of becoming a Nurse.

by Emily Bell in Zambia

Brandina Zulu is 20 years old and hails from Zambia. In 2016 she was injured in a devastating accident that left her with a broken leg and ruptured bladder. During a violent storm in Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka, she was sheltering under a wall which collapsed on top of her. Three friends and her aunt were killed. Brandina’s injuries kept her out of school for weeks and left her family unable to afford her fees when she was eventually able to resume her education.

Three years on, Brandina has now completed high school (her school waived her fees), despite having to attend class wearing diapers and struggling with mobility because of her accident. She faced taunts and usually returned home damp with urine.  Against the odds, she made a full recovery, and her grades are good enough to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse, a dream that was crystallized when she was in hospital for a month after her accident and received care and attention from the nurses on her ward.

Brandina’s family are scarcely able to meet ends meet on a day to day basis, let alone afford to send her to nursing school for three years. Please make a contribution so that this bright, self-determined young woman has a chance to realize her ambition. Thank you!

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