A strong Green campaign for Stroud & the Cotswolds

by Stroud District Green Party in Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Total raised £505

raised so far



The General Election has been called. It's time for Greens to bring real hope and real change in Stroud and the Cotswolds.

by Stroud District Green Party in Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 8th July 2024 we'd raised £505 with 15 supporters in 33 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

🚨 General Election next month 🚨 

Voters will be going to choose their next MP next month. Help us send the message to Westminster that we demand real hope and real change.

The Conservative Party is facing oblivion, and Keir Starmer's Labour vision for change looks like not much will change. People are in despair because they feel they must choose between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer.

But as Greens, we know that's not true. We can offer a beacon of hope in this election. We’ve got the best policies and Green MPs will always push the other parties to do better, no matter who is in government.

Elections cost a lot of money - so we need your help. Every donation will continue our work transforming politics across Stroud and the Cotswolds:

  • More posters and posterboards
  • More leaflets
  • More people seeing our social media
  • More hope for a Greener future
  • Push the Conservatives to third place in Stroud!

Constituency boundary changes have changed Stroud completely

The recent changes in Constituency boundaries have shifted the political landscape, creating an opportunity voters in this election to set a new path. The new Stroud constituency has removed 16,000 voters from traditional Conservative strongholds such as Hardwicke, Bisley, Painswick, and Upton. This makes it very difficult for the Conservatives to ever win in Stroud again - and opens a huge opportunity for the Greens.

Tens of thousands of people voted Green here just last month

National polls are predicting a Labour landslide, with hundreds more red MPs than blue. In the May elections, just last month, the Conservatives fell from being the largest party on Stroud District Council to third place. They collapsed from 19 Conservatives to only 7 Councillors. The Greens now lead the Council with 22 Councillors, closely followed by Labour with 20 Councillors. The Greens also received the most votes among all the parties in Stroud District, a remarkable achievement that has proven the strength of local Green support and the value of bringing real hope and real change

In the Stroud Constituency, which doesn’t cover the entire District, there are 20 Labour Councillors, 15 Greens, and only 4 Conservatives.


This is an opportunity for more people to vote Green than ever before

When you combine the boundary changes, the national political landscape, and our local Green success; this election is a huge opportunity for many more people to vote Green than ever before. We need to grasp that opportunity.

Your generous contributions will go towards covering the candidate deposit, distributing leaflets to every home, getting more posters and posterboards put up, and reaching people directly on social media. 

This is our unique chance to transform the political landscape in Stroud and the Cotswolds - so please donate.


Pete Kennedy is our Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Stroud Constituency. Read about Pete and our other Green Candidates here.

P.S. Because we're a political party we're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general campaigning funds.

Promoted by Rob Brookes on behalf of Pete Kennedy and Stroud District Green Party, all at 17 Great George St, Bristol, BS1 5QT.

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This project offered rewards

£1,500 or more

A Greener future

Just four donations at this level will unlock our most ambitious plans.

£25 or more

Fund 500 Vote Green posters

Each donation of £25 or more could fund 500 Vote Green posters - to show people how many people are voting Green.

£100 or more

Get our message in front of 10,000 people

Every £100 we raise could fund social media adverts to build our network of supporters.

£500 or more

Fund 100 "Vote Green" stakeboards

Each £500 we raise could fund 100 "Vote Green" stakeboards to go up in gardens all around Stroud and the Cotswolds. And these stakeboards can be used again and again - a great purchase for a Greener future!

Show your support

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