Stockton & Hartlepool Green Party are a local group within the Green Party of England and Wales, covering the constituencies of Stockton North, Stockton West, and Hartlepool. We are working together to campaign for a Green future; meaning one which is healthier, environmentally sustainable, and fair.
People often tell us that they have lost faith in current politics. Greens propose solutions which are fair to people, are based on the best available evidence, and will be kind to the planet where we live. Unlike other parties, we are proud to not rely on corporate donations to fund our work. This means that we are free to make change without the influence of such organisations, but we do depend on the kind support of our members and supporters to help us achieve our goals.
This fundraiser aims to increase our income as a local party, and help to fund the work we do all-year-round (not just at election time). You're likely to see our team out conducting 'listening exercises' in our local area, and we hope to keep residents updated on our work by delivering regular newsletters.
Regionally, the Green Party is gaining momentum throughout the North East where we now have 19 councillors elected, and we have stood a candidate in every single constituency at the most recent General Election. Councillors have the opportunity to contribute to the development of local services, it is their job to bridge the gap between the council and their community. As part of the Green Party, our team in Stockton & Hartlepool share a concern for both social and environmental justice. We would like to see Greens elected onto our local councils to help stand up for where we live.
We are required to run electoral register checks for people making donations above £500 in a year, and if you donate over £1,500 - we are required to let the Electoral Commission know who will make this information available on their website. If you do wish to donate more than £500 in a year, you must be on the UK electoral roll. Donations over £500 from any ineligible donor will be returned. All donations go to general Green Party funds.
Promoted by David Stringer at Stockton and Hartlepool Green Party, c/o PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ.