Celebration Carnival week

by St Tudy carnival in St. Tudy, England, United Kingdom

Celebration Carnival week

Total raised £300

raised so far



Help us raise some funds which will enable us to put on a special celebration carnival week for the village.

by St Tudy carnival in St. Tudy, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

This will allow us to do a few extra things over the week for all to enjoy 

St Tudy carnival has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and turned into a very popular event for the whole family to enjoy.
last year sadly carnival had to be cancelled due to covid restrictions this also meant that we stopped our normal fundraising throughout the year.
This year we feel that the lifting of restrictions is a little to close to safely guarantee that carnival will be able to go ahead like normal, with the amount of attendees over 900 last year, we feel this is just too big for this year, so we’ve come up with a smaller village Celebration week instead.
We want to be able to bring the community together and enjoy an amazing carnival experience this summer.

To do this we need a little help with funds, if you’re able to donation a little it will really go a long way to help us to be able to do the celebration week events we have planned, from breakfast to our quiz the charity match and our big Saturday mad hatters cakey tea party and our evening party in the park.

Thank you for taking the time to read this take care and stay safe

St Tudy Carnival committee  

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