St Monica Year 6 Leavers Do 2021

by Friends & Family of St Monica in Southampton, England, United Kingdom

St Monica Year 6 Leavers Do 2021

Total raised £280

raised so far



We are raising money for the year 6 leavers event to make it as special as we can due to what they've had to deal with in the past year.

by Friends & Family of St Monica in Southampton, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Let's make this amazing for the children, please keep donating. 

Year 6 children will be leaving St Monica Primary in July and we would like to give them a memorable send off as they move to the next adventure in their life. 

They have had a tough final year of primary, with remote home learning and missed time at school, away from their friends and school community. 

Due to current Covid restrictions we are unable to fundraise with usual events so are having to think outside the box.

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