Help me Spread the Joy!

by Alba Janes in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Help me Spread the Joy!

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£13,050 target 51 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 30th March 2025 at 7:18pm

This little ebook will help anyone facing adversity. A portion of its income will also be donated to local YMCA where I volunteer monthly.

by Alba Janes in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Where did Beads of Joy start?

I met a lady on a retreat once who worked as a psychotherapist. I was lost, and the retreat felt like a last resort. She was the kindest, and funniest lady you could hope to meet. The group setting of the retreat had been much harder to adapt to than I thought it would be, and I'd leant on her for one to one support. She came to me at the end with this beautiful little silk pouch full of tiny little shells she had collected from the beach near her home. 'I brought this with me and thought to myself, if I meet someone who needs this I'll give it to them', she said. 'These are my little beads of joy and sometimes, its enough just to hold them and find a little bit of joy in every day. Take them, and promise me you'll do that each day too!' I smiled and said I would, and Beads of Joy was born.


I have spent the last nine months distilling everything I've experienced throughout my life in to nine habits, practices and healthy recipes backed up with clinical, psychological and nutritional research. From alcohol dependency, depression, complex grief and self-harm to alcohol-free, and running competitively with new friends, Beads of Joy is the little book of tricks I want to share so if anyone is going through something similar it can hopefully help them. 

I worked with a ghost writer with expertise in the subject areas covered as well as writing my own content, and the first version is now ready for editing. I have spent £2,288.25 of my own money on this project. I work as a self-employed product manager and have had a shortfall in work over the last few months which has prevented me from covering the remaining costs of this project that will ensure the quality of the book and give it the best chance of success. I am covering my living costs with part time work in a local coffee shop so that all crowdfunding will go directly to this project. It is aiming for launch in June this year and I have lined up the expertise below in line with that time.


The remaining costs that I am hoping you can help me with are:

Editing: £2,440 (manuscript appraisal and 3 edits)

Typesetting / Design: £360

Cover Design: £500

Marketing (planning and execution): £9,750 (£750 planning / £1500 per month leading up to and post launch for six months total)

TOTAL: £13,050

The first cost is the editing and marketing planning. With the marketing planning, there is a social media strategy included. I will set up the accounts under my name as soon as I have that expertise in place and add them here for you to keep in touch, but will post regular messages here too.

Future Vision:

Right now I need the book to make a minimum of £2000 per month for twelve months. This will enable me to cover the operational costs here and then put money in to the next project which is an app based on the topics covered in the book. Alongside this, one of my strongest beliefs is in paying it forward. If I reach my crowdfunding target and hit the monthly income target, I will put 5% of all income per month to local charities that support homelessness. I volunteer at the YMCA with my dog once a month now and see first hand how hard getting back in to independent and self-supported living can be. I want to help the clients at that residence more than I do now. 

I hope you can help!

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This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

A signed copy of the book as soon as its published (can be provided in ebook format or paperback).

£50 or more

£50 Rewards

Two signed copies of the book as soon as its published.

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