Singing for carers

by Richard Hughes in Livingston, Scotland, United Kingdom

Singing for carers

Total raised £800

raised so far



My Dad, James Hughes is singing to raise funds to buy PPE for the carers and staff at Peacock Nursing Home, Livingston.

by Richard Hughes in Livingston, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

This will allow more supplies of essential PPE to be bought for Peacock Nursing Home and enable the staff and residents to be better protected.

Peacock Nursing Home cared for my Mother in her final years and now my Dad is raising funds to supply essential PPE for the staff during the Covid-19 pandemic.
During Mum’s time there and after she passed, Dad regularly sang and performed concerts for the residents which was always well received.

In his 70s and isolated at home alone, he still wants to contribute so every Thursday night he opens his windows and sings for the neighbours to bring some happiness in these difficult times. He sings from 7.45pm until 8.30pm with a short stop at 8pm to clap for the key workers.

Many of the songs are golden oldies and bring back emotional memories for Dad but he keeps going in tribute to Mum, hoping that by doing what he loves he can bring some joy and help to a very needy cause.

Please help by donating to this great cause for the forgotten front-line care workers, who have been an afterthought by the Government. 

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