Sensory Soft Play Roof Fund

by Sensory Soft Play in Hastings, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Sensory Soft Play Roof Fund

Total raised £725

raised so far

+ est. £147.50 Gift Aid



We are a fully inclusive Community Hub supporting families of children with SEN locally in Hastings and surrounding areas.

by Sensory Soft Play in Hastings, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Very sadly in June 2023 a ceiling above one of our main rooms that we use for sessions collapsed.  This was due to excessive rainwater earlier in the year and historical lack of maintenance of the flat roof above.

The terms of our lease mean that we are liable to repair the flat roof above and make good inside. 

We need £15,000 - we have already raised £6,200 so it would be great if anyone could contribute to help! 

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