School Laptops

by HighamAdminOffice in Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

School Laptops

Total raised £50

£3,000 target 55 days left
1% 1 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 11th April 2025 at 8:44am

The aim of this project is to raise funds to purchase a laptop for each Year 4 student to use until they leave us in Year 6.

by HighamAdminOffice in Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

St Simon and St Jude is a voluntary controlled Church of England School, we have strong links with our Parish Church. The school promotes Christian values while actively supporting diversity and community cohesion. 

We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on.  The website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.

At St Simon and St Jude CE Primary School we are committed to providing the best possible opportunities for learning and teaching whilst also providing appropriate welfare and pastoral care for all our children. All members of our school have high expectations of our children's achievements and we aim to foster high standards of behaviour at all times.

We aim to enrich our children's education and experiences by offering a wide range of extra opportunities.

We strongly believe in developing positive relationships between home and school and we work together in partnership to help your child grow and develop their full potential. 

We are hoping to use crowdfunding to raise funds to pay for a laptop for every Year 4 child to use in school until they leave us in Year 6.

The laptops will help enhance the curriculum offered and support learning and development:

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