We're still collecting donations
On the 10th February 2021 we'd raised £16,305 with 565 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
St.Helier’s oldest nightclub venue is at risk of permanent closure! Help save Rojo and keep music and dancing alive.
by Rojo in Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
On the 10th February 2021 we'd raised £16,305 with 565 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
The fact we've reached our target is simply incredible. We won't however turn down anyone who would still like to make a donation. At the moment we have no indication as to when the nightclub may be allowed to open so having a bit extra in reserve makes sense.
Today is a day we hoped would never come. Due to government pandemic guidelines, in March our nightclub was ordered to close and has been shut ever since. Despite countless promises of support from the States we have had to wait until now for a support package to be released. That’s 5 months since discussions began in July and 9 months since being ordered to close! Having now seen the criteria for the scheme and the support on offer it is wholly inadequate. The criteria required is so tough that despite a 70% downturn in business since the beginning of the pandemic we will qualify for minimal support and only from the month of December. There is no support for the previous 8 months during which time we have accrued debts of more than £45,000. The States payroll co-funding scheme has been gratefully accepted as will any funds received from the Visitor Attractions and Events Scheme but it falls a long way short of the support required by those businesses that have been forced to close since March. We were the first to close and we will be the last to re-open. It's quite simply too little too late! Whilst Lyndon Farnham has been very supportive it appears there is much resistance within the States to give any assistance to the nightclub and events industry that has been forced to close.
We’ve borrowed from everywhere that we can to keep the club going during this difficult time. This was done in the belief that we would be getting financial aid from the States earlier in the year but it was continually delayed. The constant dangling of the carrot and then taking that carrot away has meant that we have continued to borrow from the bank, personal funds and friends. We have run out of options.
In addition to borrowing we managed to adapt, providing food and a themed Christmas ski chalet on the roof terrace to keep us afloat - but just as we got into the Christmas season, this too was ordered to close. Even with the roof terrace open, the reality is we simply cannot survive without the nightclub being open.
We are one of the remaining few nightclubs on an island that was once home to more than 10 such establishments. We are literally one of the last supporters of dance music whether that is house, drum and bass, techno, psy trance, indie, salsa plus many more. This iconic venue, the oldest of its kind in St.Helier, has seen so many epic events over decades. It has been a stalwart of the dance scene for over 30 years in its various forms from Lords, through to The Venue and now Rojo. It would be a devastating blow to the island’s scene if it was to close its doors.
To get open and stay open!
Once we are allowed to open we need to be able to stay open. If we are encumbered with large debts then survival will be all the more difficult. We also need to guarantee that we will make it to re-opening. We don't know how long this will go on for and we certainly can't be sure of what support we will get from the government. Our experience so far has shown that any support will be extremely limited and totally inadequate. The problem is that even with the new government scheme for events and attractions it doesn't solve the problem of the debts incurred so far.
We realise it is not a great time to be asking for donations and there may be more important causes but even the smallest amount would be greatly received. If we can raise enough funds to ensure we can stay afloat until the re-opening date (we’re hopeful this will be late spring / early summer) then we can start to reduce our debts incurred during the pandemic. Even if this is just by a fraction we’ll be in a far better position to survive.
Our initial target is £15,000 which may be unrealistic but we have no choice but to try. This will be used in a variety of ways. To cover immediate outstanding critical debts and interest payments that remain unpaid. To cover staff wages which have to be paid a month in advance before a claim can be made to the payroll scheme despite having no income. To partially settle some of the loans and sums we have borrowed during the pandemic.
There is no minimum donation however if you are able to pledge one of the amounts below we have the following rewards on offer.
Your name on the supporters wall. An artist designed mural printed and displayed in the nightclub.
Priority access to the re-opening events.
Your name on the supporters wall. An artist designed mural printed and displayed in the nightclub.
Limited edition Save Our Club t-shirt.
Priority access to the re-opening events.
Your name on the supporters wall. An artist designed mural printed and displayed in the nightclub.
This project offered rewards