Save The Gatehouse For The Community!

by Gatehouse Community Hub in Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Total raised £8,002

raised so far



To bring the Gatehouse into community ownership for Norwich's first community-owned pub.

by Gatehouse Community Hub in Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

A New Future for a Community Pub  

Join us on our exciting journey to preserve this beloved pub and transform it into a vibrant hub for both the local community and visitors. 


Why Save the Gatehouse?  

The Gatehouse has always been more than just a pub—it was the heart of the local community. With its traditional charm and warm atmosphere, it served as a gathering place where people could enjoy a chat by the cosy fire, listen to music, and take part in friendly pool tournaments.  

Unfortunately, with the passing of its long-time owner, the Gatehouse’s future is at risk. While the building’s Grade II listed status protects it from being torn down or altered beyond recognition (no one needs another Tesco Metro or soulless block of flats), there’s still the danger of it becoming just another corporate chain pub.  

We envision something different. We want to preserve the traditional spirit of the Gatehouse while also transforming it into a thriving community hub. In addition to being a warm and welcoming local pub, the Gatehouse would connect people with the natural environment, offering access to the beautiful River Wensum and the Sweetbriar Marshes.


The Campaign  

Time is running out to save the Gatehouse. Currently listed as an Asset of Community Value, we have a brief window to purchase the property before it hits the open market. To do this, we need to raise £500,000 in the coming months to secure the purchase price and bring the pub into community ownership. Once this goal is achieved, we can then move on to funding the essential repairs and renovations to restore the building.  


How You Can Help   

To secure the pub and make it truly community-owned, we need to raise £50,000 for the deposit before we launch our full community share offer. The good news? We’ve already secured some funding and received incredible support from local organisations – but we’re not there yet!

Even if we don’t hit our full target, your contributions will still make a real difference! By choosing the "Keep What You Raise" option on Crowdfunder, every pound raised will go directly towards preserving and revitalizing the Gatehouse. No matter the total amount, your support will contribute to the project, ensuring we can take vital steps to make this vision a reality.

You’ll be helping preserve a beloved local landmark, create a space for everyone to enjoy, and become part of a community-driven future. Together, we can make the Gatehouse Pub a place to connect, celebrate, and support each other for years to come.

Donate today and help us secure the Gatehouse for the community!

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