During these difficult times we want to help you keep the kids active, learning and having fun in your own homes. That's why we are adapting our sessions and creating new ones that are available online for you to use in your garden or in the house. We are offering a range of activities, from quick games to keep your energy up to in depth tutorials and workshops.
Our team can't wait to get back to providing outdoor learning adventures for people of all ages and abilities and we need your help to make sure this can happen.
The funds you are helping us raise will go towards supporting our staff team during lock down, covering our organisations monthly outgoings and all extra funds we raise will go towards the re-opening of our School holiday activity Camp, the much anticipated launch of our kids Kayaking club and our family well being adventure weekend.
We truly appreciate everyone who is helping us in this project and we hope that it brings you all some much needed active fun and some smiles too!
Thank you from the Omega team