Sarah ranasinghe

by Sarath.ranasinghe977 in Central Province, Sri Lanka

Sarah ranasinghe

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£2,500 target 42 days left
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S.K. Hewaranasinghe, born on May 11, 1977, and residing at 156/3, Matale, Sri Lanka, is a mother of two living in an unsafe home. She urgent


 Urgent Request for Assistance to Build a Safe Home

My name is S.K. Hewaranasinghe, a mother of two living in an overcrowded and unsafe home in Nugagolla, Matale, Sri Lanka. The current condition of our house is hazardous, and it’s impossible to provide a secure living space for my children. Unfortunately, I lack the financial resources to build a new home. I am urgently seeking support to build a safe and stable home for my family. Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in ensuring my children can grow up in a secure environment. For those wishing to help, my bank details are as follows:

Bank: Sampath Bank

Account Number: 118452592342

Thank you for your consideration and generosity during this difficult time.

S.K. Hewaranasinghe

Date of Birth: May 11, 1977

ID Number: 771321887V

Address: 156/3, Near the School, Nugagolla, Matale, Sri Lanka

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