Sanavay - promoting healthy menstrual products

by The Sanavay Team in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Sanavay - promoting healthy menstrual products

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Sanavay is a start-up company aiming to manufacture, promote and sell a range of reusable and sustainable menstrual products for women.

by The Sanavay Team in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Ditch the disposables. Replace with reusables!

For decades, disposable feminine hygiene products such as sanitary pads and tampons have dominated the shelves. It's no secret that these products are a necessary part of a woman's life. They serve the basic need of personal hygiene every month. But as concerns about disposable products and single-use plastic and their environmental impact grow, things are changing. 

Innovation in menstrual care products means reusable options, such as period-absorbent underwear and menstrual cups, are increasingly becoming mainstream and have risen in popularity in recent years.

Not only do reusable period products save waste, but they also save you money and are often more comfortable and better for your body. They are also always available, which could help to alleviate period poverty.

Sanavay was found after a conversation between mother and daughter about the discomfort of traditional sanitary products such as tampons and sanitary pads.

For ove1723994190_screenshot_2023-10-18_at_21.25.41.pngr two decades, Maria experienced inherited menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding that lasted longer than seven days) and found that traditional branded tampons and sanitary pads were expensive, uncomfortable and inadequate. Although medication offered temporary relief, the side effects were distressing. Maria didn't want her daughter to go through the same experiences, so she looked for alternatives and discovered menstrual cups and period pants.

Sanavay's commitment to sustainability goes beyond promoting healthy living to include a deep respect for the environment, free from chemicals and toxins.

Together, they are on a mission to spread the word of how completely life-changing these reusable and eco-friendly menstrual products are.

They are hoping to raise funds to be able to:

  • Pop-up shops - Sell directly to the consumer in pop-up shops around the UK.
  • Educate - Set up an educational program and give talks to young girls in schools educating them on the health benefits of period pants and menstrual cups
  • Collaborate - Support women by partnering with brands that prioritise female menstrual health and use natural, breathable materials that are gentle on the skin and respectful to the environment.

Millions of women worldwide have made a positive impact on the environment by switching to reusable alternatives. It's time to make a difference and take action towards a more sustainable future.

Visit the online store


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

0 of 50 claimed

£50 Reward

Sanavay Logo T-shirt or Tote logo bag

£100 or more

0 of 30 claimed

£100 Reward

Free sample pair of Period Pants from one of our premium Brands

£500 or more

£500 Reward

Exclusive invitation to the launch of the Sanavay Pop-Up Store.

£1,000 or more

0 of 50 claimed

£1000 Reward

Sample bag of Sanavay branded products

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