VASA's South Ayrshire Lifeline would love to be able to supply patients in wards with access to essential basic toiletries that they cannot buy at the hospital shop due to COVID, cannot have delivered and cannot have brought in by family/friends while visiting is stopped.
Recently, while a colleague was admitted unexpectantly, they were unable to get access to simple basics like a toothbrush or soap. An elderly lady, who was a patient, was quite distressed that she didnt even have a comb to sort her hair.
A hospital stay, especially during these times, is stressful enough for patients without the added anxiety of not being able to brush their teeth, wash their hair, get hold of deodrant etc. With hospital staff all feeling the pressures of the pandemic they will not have the resources to try and help out.
We would like to raise funds to buy bulk stock of the basic essentials like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodrant, shampoo, razors, shaving cream, hankies etc.
As a charity and provider within the local Health & Social Care Partnership, we will have the contacts to ensure we find a way to get these supplies into the hospital and to patients.