Our vision is to create a comprehensive community hub that provides essential support services to individuals and families experiencing poverty and financial hardship in Salford. By offering a range of services, including financial advice, food support, community workshops, and energy efficiency advice, we aim to empower individuals to improve their financial well-being, access essential resources, and build a stronger community.
Key Services:
Financial Advice and Support: Providing personalized financial advice, debt counselling, and benefits maximization to help individuals and families manage their finances effectively.
Food Bank and Pantry: Offering weekly food distributions to those in need, along with food education and budgeting advice.
Community Workshops: Organizing workshops on topics such as health and well-being, and parenting skills to enhance community capacity.
Promote Energy Efficiency: Encourage residents to adopt energy-saving measures by providing free signposting to home energy assessments, offering advice on energy-efficient upgrades, and organizing community education campaigns.
Support Renewable Energy: Promote the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar power, and support initiatives to reduce carbon emissions.
Partnership Approach:
We will collaborate with local organizations, businesses, and community groups to maximize our impact. By working together, we can create a more resilient and equitable community for all.
Project Benefits:
By providing essential support services and promoting energy efficiency, the Salford 3H - Hub for Help and Hope will:
Reduce poverty and financial hardship
Improve the health and well-being of community members
Enhance financial literacy and skills
Foster community cohesion and resilience
Contribute to a more sustainable future
Kollel Tiferes Shmuel is a registered charity 1188322