Saffron Safeguarding African-Carribean Centre.CIC

by Opeyemi Ebulu -Eyunruntari in Gillingham, Medway, United Kingdom

Total raised £20

raised so far



BRIDGING-THE-GAP; holistic interventions, diversity, equality, inclusion,cultural awareness, integration African-Caribbean children&Families

by Opeyemi Ebulu -Eyunruntari in Gillingham, Medway, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 30th June 2022 we'd raised £40 with 2 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

National Emergencies Trust Local Action Fund

We’re taking part in the National Emergencies Trust Local Action Fund. Donations to our project will be matched by the fund up to the value of £250 per donation to help us overcome the effects of the pandemic.

Please note only one donation per supporter will be matched by the National Emergencies Trust Local Action Fund.

Saffron Safeguarding African-Caribbean Centre.CIC (SaffronSACC), offers a unique ‘Tripod Holistic Community Engage Forum’ ‘bridging the gap’, by raising awareness, advocacy, advice, training, youth workshops, early intervention and support services, essentially post covid-19 support, activities and engagement; promoting diversity, equality, inclusion, cultural awareness, heritage and integration, to empower African-Caribbean children, young people and families in Medway, all of the Kent County, London and UK. 

We provide an interactive and engagement, cultural and social space for our communities, facilitating safeguarding workshops, training, and various Parenting, and skills acquisition courses.

Our team is a pool of vibrant, fun-loving group of professionals and community members, rich in  diversity, cultural heritage, history, skills, and knowledge.  These strengths are core to our communities, enabling us pass these down through our strength ‘story-telling’ to different generations.

We listen and connect with our community’s needs and challenges via our bi-weekly 'Voice Over Talk Show', monkey surveys, online polls/feedback and programmes.

The funds we raise will facilitate our projects:

• SENIOR LUNCHEON CLUB -This service will provide support to help isolated vulnerable senior citizens (60plus) two days a week.

Saffron connects service users with relevant events and groups within the communities, supporting them to maintain and improve their health and well-being, safety, develop healthy eating, and facilitate the provision of 'cultural meals on wheels' as needed. 

Building on the 6 'Safeguarding Principles, our practitioners will support club members to develop resilience and confidence to help them live as independently as possible.

We will give advice and support club members to access necessary health, social care, financial support services,  ICT skills, community activities, building their confidence through practical assistance and advice.

They will be surported to explore and build social networks, benefit applications, offering planned outings, participate in a range of creative activities for example: brunch meetings, peer support, befriending, carer support, enabling them to explore both new and old interests.

Using a holistic approach, liaising with statutory agencies, we will support the club members to manage their mobility by assessing and identifying adaptation, equipment and assistive technology, and equipment.

• STEPPING UP - Black Youth Skills Development Empowerment Programme is providing Young People with a safe space to combat the culture and impact of violence, crime, gang activity in Medway and develop leadership skills.

Saffron is working to build with other community organisations, youth services and crucially parents . To help reduce youth violence, the high rate of deaths on our streets, reform, engagement, empowerment, employment and personal development . 

Since the mid-20th century, youth violence in this country has become widespread nationwide and the Medway towns have had our fair share of the  problems, according to reports over the past five years. Despite the violence and steady growth in youth violence across the UK, we have not seen substantial enough community programmes established to reduce the surge and appeal of young people engaging in crime the cycle continues.  

In this regard, our programme will provide necessary enhancements to prevention and intervention. The following are some key issues we will be examine and facilitate.

•   Our programme will provide an interactive and inclusive setting to reduce the need for a young person to join gangs for protection and street power, enjoyment, respect, money, or because a friend is in a gang.

•    Youth are at higher risk of joining a gang if they engage in delinquent behaviours, are aggressive or violent, experience multiple caretaker transitions, have problems at school, associate with other gang-involved youth, or live in communities where they feel unsafe and where many youth are in trouble.

To prevent young people from joining gangs, we work to strengthen families and schools, improve community supervision, deliver bespoke training to teachers and parents to manage disruptive youth, and facilitate workshops for students in interpersonal development skills.

Please help fund our workshops and events e.g. African Art ????  painting, textile design and exhibitions.  Film, documentary and photography production, also various sports and physical activities! 

• PARENTING & FAMILY SUPPORT HUB - for but not exclusive to African-Caribbean children and families.

As an organisation, we have a specific focus on 'Sustaining Families'; it is our aim, that families stay together with children living in safe environments, promoting their general safety health and well-being.  Sadly for many children and young people, this is not the case.

Parental and family relationship conflict has a significant and direct negative impact on the children in those families; for our children to thrive and live healthy, safe and secure lives, they need to experience family relationships that are healthy and stable. All relationships have tricky moments – it’s how they are experienced and resolved that matters. Many research studies have proven that positive relationships have a significant impact on the children in those families.

Being a parent can be stressful but also rewarding, watching your children grow, and helping them to find their independence.  Parenting can also be really hard work!!

Our Parenting and Family Hub provides information, advice and support for children and families involved in the Social Care System, Child Protection Plans, Children In Need, Private and Family Law Processes; whether together, separated or considering separation, who want to find ways to improve their relationship and get on better.

Your funding support will help us successfully facilitate our Safeguarding, Child Protection Awareness and Cultural Afro Centric Parenting Skills (8-12-week programme), supporting families that need early help, ensuring they get the right help at right time.

We also facilitate a range of bespoke Afro-centric support programs, including Parenting skills, Health and Wellbeing services, Advice, Guidance, workshops and Community Events. 

• AFRICAN-CARIBBEAN FOOD BANK - Culturally Specific focus on African-Caribbean Meals.   "COVID-19 has disproportionately affected racialized minority communities, and we have seen increased food insecurity within the African-Caribbean descent community due to the pandemic.  Although there are some generic food banks, however food provided does not take into consideration the inclusion of cultural specific meals.

 Our food initiative aims to provide a safe space for African-Caribbean communities to receive support in a culturally inclusive setting, but we are not able to do this without your kindness and community support,"

Food hampers are tailor-made for each family whether various African foods, Ethiopian fermented flatbread, or turtle beans, popular in the Caribbean.

Saffron hopes that African-Caribbean families, receiving food specific to their culture will brighten the spirits of families who wouldn’t get the same experience at another food bank.

We would really appreciate your support and generosity to help us bring about 'better outcomes' for the African-Caribbean children, young people, families and communities.

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This project offered rewards

£250 or more


Saffron has a wide reaching community 'Voice Over Talk Show', targeted at our communities (African-Caribbean). We have already had Black African organisations across London, Wales and Dublin asking to collaborate and appear on our programmes! We would offer you airtime, on the Talk Show, reaching across all our social media handles, inclusion of your logos either as a collaborator/partner on our website, event posters and social media handles

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