Running 12,218km for Colourful Dreams School

by Headlanders Netball Club in Heighington, England, United Kingdom

Running 12,218km for Colourful Dreams School

Total raised £1,950

raised so far



Headlanders netball club members are running the distance from Darlington to Malawi to help Malawian families affected by Coronavirus.

by Headlanders Netball Club in Heighington, England, United Kingdom

Headlanders netball club members are collectively running 12,218km, the distance from Darlington (England) to Mangochi (Malawi). This is to raise money to replace teacher training funds that have had to be used in an emergency to help support Malawian families during the Coronavirus pandemic. 

We have all been affected in many ways by the impact and uncertainties that the Coronavirus has caused. With limited health care, high levels of poverty and poor health facilities, the children of the Colourful Dreams School and nearby village are under a huge strain. Families in Malawi rely on close community interactions in order to make an income. There are currently no plans or measures from the government on how families will be supported during the country's lockdown, leaving them vulnerable and unable to feed their families, since all their income relied on piece work that can now no longer occur. Something had to be done to help the children and families of the Colourful Dreams School.

£1700 has been sent to provide care packages for 100 families that will provide food and soaps to help reduce insecurities that the families are facing. However, this money was previously raised to train teachers to the government standard to enable the school to stay open and provide an essential education to the locals. We hope that with your sponsorship, the families of the Colourful Dreams School will not have to suffer losing the school, the pillar of the community, especially on the back of such hard times. Colourful Dreams School is a brilliant project, and the only school that the village has access to, making it an essential part of the community. Headlanders members will be running and we are thankful for any donation you can give.. Thank you!!

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