We are a small independent charity that rehomes and rehabilitates cats and dogs in the local Westmorland area.

Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £1,841
+ est. £86.25
About our Branch
Since 1965 this little Branch has been helping with the rescue and rehoming of dogs, cats and wildlife in the beautiful South Lake District.
From starting with a group of volunteers we have now grown to a team of employed staff with a fantastic team of volunteers. We all work hard to nurse back to health rescued Cats and Dogs ready for their new home. When able, we attend calls for help with wild animals, and support people in the local community to keep their animals in good health.
Getting involved with the younger generation to learn about our work and promote kindness is a key part of our future plans. We are working with local charities and youth groups now to further develop our links in the community.
Without our supporters and volunteers we could not achieve our ambitions for the future.
Why we need your help!
To run our Branch the outgoings are currently £21,000 a month. We don't have the luxury of our own shelter so we pay for private boarding for our cats and dogs. This cost has increased along with vet bills which has really impacted our ability to break even.
Since Covid we have been running at a loss and our reserves are not infinite. We try and raise all our running costs from our two shops, fundraising events and donations from our supporters and legacies.
Due to the cost of living crisis we are receiving a higher than normal request for welfare payments as people struggle to pay their vet bills.
The reality is that if we continue to lose money the Trustees will have to decide on what support we will have to stop giving, for instance, neutering cats for pet owners on benefits, welfare payments for people with an animal needing veterinary treatment or our TNR programme (trap, neuter & release) for feral cats, the list goes on.
Why we do what we do!
We have some great success stories and some sad ones but we always do our best for the animals in our care.
Bella & Truffles became friends good friends at our cattery. Bella (black) was found abandoned on a fell and Truffles (tabby) was found with her mum, scared & hiding in between a wall & conservatory. They have since found a lovely home together and settled in perfectly!
Sandy's Success Story
Sandy was the victim of a domestic abuse case and left abandoned for a number of days in a house before she was eventually rescued.
She stayed with us for a 284 days before we found the right home. In total the boarding fees alone were just over £4500. We believe in giving every animal a second chance regardless of the circumstances.
Sandy is now living her best life in the Welsh countryside.
Investing in our future.
We have recently invested in our future by purchasing our office and hall in Kendal, so we can run more events and hire our facilities to raise funds.
Recently we added a secure dog area for the public to hire for off lead training and play, all breeds are welcome. We also wanted to create a quiet space where our rescue dogs could come for a day out away from the noisy kennels.
We have met some fantastic people over the years.
Benefactors like Ruth Pedley who's generous legacy enabled us to purchase our hall & offices in Kendal.
Our Goal!
To raise a minimum of £20,000.
Please support our appeal so we can secure our future and continue the care & support we provide for the animals & wildlife in our local Westmorland area.