This project aims to raise money for a group of children who play rugby for Rhos Rugby Club in North Wales.
Rugby is free to all children at Rhos! The club is located in a deprived area, and we want to encourage local children to lead active life styles. Rugby can play a vital role in developing not only fitness, but a spirit of fair play and camaraderie amongst players.
We currently have doubled the number of children playing rugby at the club, and we would like to raise money for a VEO camera to help players develop. The camera is an essential tool which most other clubs already have as it enables coaches to demonstrates areas of improvement to teams. As mentioned, no child is charged to play at Rhos, membership fees have been waived to encourage new players to join our rugby community and we believe finances should not be a barrier to anyone.
All our expenses are covered by community fundraising and donations. We hope this crowdfunding project will support the children take their next steps, either towards playing for Wales!