Building a school for less fortunate kids to educate and take part in rebuilding humanity. A school is an ideal group for helping people in either the local community or the global one.
GSNWise, a small group of volunteers with a big aim to revive & build the new generation foundation, with full guidance and support to enable them tracking their life.
During Covid19 pandemic, Funding for schools has come under increasing pressure, common examples of schools shutting down in poor areas, many kids parents lost hope to educate their kids.
Our groups & friends have been working on education revival plans & it's almost ready for execution.
Good News, we have secured a school building in Karachi, that had been empty for 2+years due to funds availability. Location of the school is within an area with Poverty & low-income neighbourhood so we'll have to continuously work towards arranging funds to keep it running and helping poor community by giving chance to educate their kids.
Funds calculation for School Project:
Phase - 1
School Building Rent Safety/Deposit: USD 3000/-
Classrooms refurbishment & Furniture: USD 2500/-
Monthly running cost (Utilities Bills & Expenses): USD 1500/-
Phase - 2
Free Meal plan to attract community to send their kids to school.
Monthly running cost will be revisited on a regular basis to meet the education standards and we hope to cover it with the help of people.
Some methods, like free breakfasts or scholarships, are to be paid out if the student attends regularly.
The power of one person to cure social ills and support those in need should never be underestimated.
Let's add up together to build the future!!!