Save Esme, Lulu and Kali three scared girls discarded at the end of the Spanish hunting Season.
Hunting is big business in Spain, with around 87% of the nation designated as hunting territory. Some game farms exist for the sole purpose of supplying partridges and other birds for hunters to kill.
Even worse are the puppy mills that breed hunting dogs, also known as galgos (male) galgas (female) and podencos.
Every year, hunters force their dogs to kill and dismember millions of animals.
Hunting dogs in Spain have a truly hellish existence. Bred to be ruthless killing machines, they experience relentless torture and abuse, their lives cut tragically short when they are no longer ‘useful’ to the hunters.
So many of these dogs exist in deplorable conditions, living in their own, faeces on short chains in the baking heat. The dogs are deliberately kept as hungry as possible to encourage aggression and violence, often given nothing but murky green water to drink.
Starvation is common and dead dogs cannibalised by their ravenous fellow inmates.
Dogs that are seen as not being aggressive enough for the season’s hunt are ruthlessly killed or discarded. Often they are dumped in suffocating heat with no water or shade and little possibility of survival. Each season, thousands of hunting dogs are thrown off bridges, hung, or discarded in the most brutal ways.
Females are constantly bred from. With 500,000 dogs bred every year, the amount of animals in desperate need is constantly growing. We know these three lovely girls will have been bred from at their age and now discarded as of no use.
Galgas are sensitive, gentle and can be very laid back, happy to sleep the day away on their backs on a sofa, but also have a playful and goofy side. Galgas have a very reserved personality and they have a tendency towards shyness. They never lose their love of the sun and are often found sun worshipping. These girls will have suffered so much and deserve a sofa and time to play and relax. Lets help Lulu, Emse and Kali all around 4/5 years old.
We have rescue kennels in Seville area but these three scared girls need to have blood tests, vaccinations, microchip, and spayed as their time producing puppies for the old hunter owner is over they are starting a new life which is cruelty free.