Reel Rebels Radio

by Reel Rebels Radio in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 22nd December 2016 we successfully raised £1,895 with 61 supporters in 28 days

We're raising funds to take our community radio station into self-sufficiency so we can keep doing the amazing work we do

by Reel Rebels Radio in London, England, United Kingdom

Fed up with mainstream musical and local news offerings, Reel Rebels Radio was set up six years ago with a 'Do it Yourself' ethos and the strapline "from punk to flamenco, from grime to swing".  The station is run by a passionate, highly dedicated and diverse crew of volunteers, DJs, musicians, engineers and techs who keep the community flag flying by providing a global audio platform for local people.  Unfortunately, community radio cannot survive on love alone. This is where YOU come in: we're aiming to raise £15,000 to keep the rebel ship afloat.  A donation from you will help to cover the following costs...

  • help us become self-sufficient
  • help with our running costs - it costs us £3,000 a month for rent, bills , admin and studio mangement
  • help cover the costs of our sessions with people with learning disabilities and other community projects
  • cover the cost of relaunching the Reel Rebels Radio website

The Reel Rebels...

At Reel Rebels you'll find radio novices and pros alike presenting radio shows,  DJ'ing and broadcasting their own radio plays and audio documentaries to a following of around 18, 000 people per month...

  COHH -Rodney P, Adrian Bercerril Garcia and Studio Manager Alicia Graham with Stav B & Anka

Our listeners are based in Hackney, wider London and we have a growing fanbase across the UK, Europe, US and Australia.  Our listeners are not passive: they tune in, participate and get their voices heard! 

“There is always a word to say, a song to play and heart to be reached.  And the radio is a perfect platformfor this expression.”   Stav B,  Presenter of Songs & Stories ,Visual artist, DJ, mixologist, pop up bar founder and club promoter.

We are a platform for new and alternative music...

Our Dead Albatross Music Prize is an award given in recognition of genuinely experimental, underground music produced in the UK.   Each year 20 albums are judged by music industry folk  and the public.   Check out this year's winner, Family Atlantica.

We support new artists and independent labels by broadcasting dedicated music programmes. We are home to Flamenco Fix, the only dedicated Flamenco radio programme  in the UK, we have the hugely popular Eurobliss for all you Eurovision followers, Symphony Salon swerves between vintage vinyl genres while Le Vagabond Boogaloo opens the gateway to global roots and culture. Tune into musicians live in session on programmes such as Connoisseurs of Hip Hop, Art Speak, and Freestyle Fridays.

We Are More Than Just A Radio Station...


 Want to learn to DJ or host a radio show? Want to learn radio engineering and production skills? We offer the following workshops and sessions...

  • DJ skills workshops for groups and individuals - learn how to use dj equipment, mix and beat-match
  • Radio Skills workshops -learn to present, edit and produce a radio show.
  • Creative music workshops which can include vocal work/MC'ing and playing instruments, dj skills and radio presenting for people with learning disabilities
  • Drumming and other music workshops for kids.

We also provide training for people of all ages to develop transferable skills for future employment.  Workshops are open to all, regardless of age, experience or ability. 

Stoke Newington Community Feast

Each year we host the annual Stoke Newington Community Feast where we feed over 200 people for free.   Food is donated by local businesses, collected by volunteers and cooked by local chefs.  The Feast brings everyone together; residents, community organsisations and local businesses alike - to meet the neighbours, celebrate, share and eat food.   Albion Kids Show provide entertainment for the kids  and our Rebel DJs play music to get everyone up on their feet!

The first annual Stoke Newington Community Feast

In short, Reel Rebels Radio has achieved great things and is an asset to the local area and beyond but our overheads are high and our funding is low.  Year on year, cuts to public funding have reduced our ability to do the work we do. If you believe in free and independent media open to all for all; if you  want to get involved in community radio and feel the thrill of independent music and local news please support us.   Your contribution will make a huge difference.

Reel Rebel Rewards

We are offering a whole host of rewards from a simple sticker to t-shirts, to reduced advertising and sponsorship deals or your very own VIP party at Reel Rebels Music Studios. 

Other ways you can help 

We know that not all you have cash to spare, no matter how much you believe in us – luckily, there are other ways you can help:  

Spread the word - this Crowdfunder is going to be running for 30 days.  We need help sharing this on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, email, face-to-face, friend to friend, strangers at the bus stop and your Granny - you get the idea...

Please remember to use social media sharing tools after you make your donation, like our page and shout your support from the rooftops, we're proud to have you on-board as a supporter, you should be too!

During the campaign, we'll be posting on,  our facebook page  & twitterto let you know the latest news and perks, so make sure you're signed up to receive updates...

Reel Rebels Radio HQ: reception, fully equipped studio and two soundproofed rehearsal  rooms

We've been at the heart of the Hackney radio scene for six years and now offer a radio studio and two fully equipped soundproofed rehearsal rooms in a wonderful setting just off Church Street, Stoke Newington, N16.  Contact us if you're interested in renting our rehearsal space.






This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£3 or more

£3 Reward

Get a sticker featuring the Reel Rebels Radio logo!

£5 or more

£5 Reward

Get a sticker featuring the Reel Rebels Radio logo plus a shout out live on air to say thank you!

£10 or more

£10 Reward

A request, shout out plus sticker

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Pledge £20 and we'll give you a t-shirt featuring the Reel Rebels Radio logo

£25 or more

£25 Reward

Rehearsal Session at Reel Rebels Rehearsal studios (3 hours daytime, or 2 hours evening or weekends)

£30 or more

£30 Reward

A DJ lesson for one - learn to mix and beatmatch and using turntables, CDjays and other DJ software. 1.5 hours.

£30 or more

£30 Reward

A radio skills workshop for one - learn how to present your own radio show

£40 or more

£40 Reward

Rehearsal Session in fully equipped studio + 1 t-shirt (3 hours daytime, or 2 hours evening or weekends)

£40 or more

£40 Reward

Meet your fave Reel Rebels DJ with the chance to sit in while the show is getting recorded

£50 or more

£50 Reward

We'll help you make your own radio show and we'll put it on air

£100 or more

£100 Reward

A group DJing session for you and three friends, plus t-shirts and stickers. 3 hour session.

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Radio skills workshop for you and three friends (3 hours)

£250 or more

£250 Reward

Host an event at Reel Rebels HQ: This is for events that end at midnight- capacity 60-70 people

£500 or more

1 of 2 claimed

£500 Reward

Party at the venue plus festival tickets

£1,000 or more

£1,000 Reward

Visit our studios for a show plus a party at the venue, festival tickets, advertising

£2,000 or more

£2,000 Reward

All inclusive hamper

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.