Saving the Red Squirrel: DNA Research

by shuttleworthcm in Beaumaris, Isle of Anglesey, United Kingdom

Saving the Red Squirrel: DNA Research

Total raised £165

£5,000 target 26 days left
3% 8 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 13th March 2025 at 4:54pm

Understanding the genetic variation within the Anglesey red squirrels is crucial for their conservation. We want to fund this research!

by shuttleworthcm in Beaumaris, Isle of Anglesey, United Kingdom

Unique Welsh red squirrels

In 2005, researchers discovered unique bloodlines amongst the remaining red squirrel populations in Wales. The Anglesey population was however found to be very inbred and urgently needed to be boosted with the introduction of new unrealted individuals.

Successful red squirel conservation

Red squirrels were released into Newborough forest and other woodlands across the island leading to the creation of the largest red squirrel population in Wales.

New genetic research

1733166340_yggc_rstw_logo.jpgLocal people report red squirrel sightings. And also sadly let Red Squirrels Trust Wales know about animals killed on the road or found dead in woodlands. As a result, we have collected and frozen several hundred bodies over the last twenty years. These provide a unique historical record of the changing patterns of genetic diversity on the island.

Red Squirrels Trust Wales are fundraising to pay for genetic research to reveal how red squirrel genetics have changed through time.

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