Getting Rebels & Patriots to the Edinburgh Fringe!

by Nadav Burstein in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

We did it
On 21st May 2024 we successfully raised £1,568 with 43 supporters in 56 days

Support Israeli-Palestinian co-creation about the consequences of conscription to the IDF and call to end the bloodshed in the region.

by Nadav Burstein in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

1714240972_rebels_&_patriots_-_general_marketing_image.jpgWho are we?
We are Floating Shed, an Israeli-Palestinian-British emerging theatre company creating multidisciplinary theatre with physical storytelling and collaborative devised methods at its core. Our new play written by co-founder Nadav Burstein has been selected by the Pleasance Theatre for their Edinburgh Fringe Programme.
REBELS & PATRIOTS won merit in the RSC's 37 Plays and was shortlisted for the Pleasance Theatre's Charlie Hartill Reserve.

Where can we see it?
We have been programmed at the Pleasance Courtyard at this year's Edinburgh Fringe. The Pleasance is one of the most highly respected theatre venues at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and in London, and we will be taking REBELS & PATRIOTS to the Pleasance Upstairs, from July 31st - August 26th, 6 days a week, at 15:00.

What's the play about?
An Israeli-Palestinian co-creation, the play follows four young people in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and the ways mandatory conscription to the IDF affects their lives. A story of friendship, it's based on the writer's time in the army; A multilingual raw portrayal using physical movement and live music that exposes the realities modern day soldiers confront daily and the traumatic consequences army life has on the mental health of the teenagers enlisted. It explores themes such as protest against war, toxic masculinity in the armed forces and self-harm, as well as how occupation can manifest itself in an Arab-Israeli body.
It illuminates what it means to be Israeli and peace-pursuing; the critical voice of the young people that want to coexist with their Palestinian neighbours and call for an end to the bloodshed in the region - the awful dichotomy of love for your fellow people under the pressures of politically motivated violence.

Any reviews of past work?

★★★★ When Burstein and Dalrymple left the Conservatoire they wanted to create a company ‘dedicated to producing original multidisciplinary work involving physical theatre with text-devising at its core’. Passion fits that brief perfectly and stands as a testament to their remarkable talent and creativity. - Broadway baby

★★★★ Passion is a play that will keep you thinking long after you leave this London pub theatre, as much for its important subject matter as for Burstein and Dalrymple’s powerful performances. - Jack The Lad Magazine

★★★★ Dalrymple and Burstein clearly have faith in their work, and it’s not undeserved. Passion is an intelligent piece of theatre that takes its audience on an extraordinary journey in a relatively short space of time. - Theatre Weekly

★★★★ Excellent use of the performance space, notably effective lighting and visual design, and particularly strong work on the moments of physical theatre woven into the storytelling. - The Reviews Hub

Who's supporting us? 
As an emerging theatre company, we are extremely proud to be supported by Flabbergast Theatre, an internationally-produced award-winning theatre company with excellent reputation in puppetry, physical comedy, and physical theatre and exploring other expressions and pedagogy such as Butoh, Grotowski, Lecoq and Mask.

Where is the money going?

  • Rehearsal space, production costs, venue and wages for all our creatives.
  • Marketing. We want to make sure our pertinent political piece reaches the widest audiences possible in Edinburgh. By engaging a marketing company, we'll make sure new audiences come to see the show and important political conversations are ignited.
  • Registration fees.
  • Getting us up north. We are looking at large costs to get to and stay in Edinburgh for the duration of the festival. Your donation will ensure we can make this adventure happen
  • We are committed to presenting a quality version for this story, and with your financial support, will have the tools and opportunity to do so.

    We thank you for supporting political theatre at this crucial time, and look forward to seeing you at the Fringe! 

    Nadav, Tom, Harvey & Tarik.


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£100 or more


Be one of us. Make the pledge to support political art at this crucial time.

£5 or more


If you want to support political theatre but are short on cash - here's an option for you. A pints-worth!

£20 or more


Be a patriot. We count on you!

£50 or more


Be a rebel. This donation will be sure to get us to the Fringe.

£500 or more


BE A PATRON. This donation will get your name on our program and patrons list, as well as a framed and signed poster. We will also save two front row seats for you in Edinburgh!

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