Rally for Kimmy's Cat in Intensive Care

by Kimmy Kim in London, England, United Kingdom

Rally for Kimmy's Cat in Intensive Care

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£8,483 target 32 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 18th March 2025 at 6:47am

To help Kimmy Kim cat get treatment

by Kimmy Kim in London, England, United Kingdom

  • Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to read about this emergency that’s going on. Kimmys cat is in bad shape and needs help.

    Rebel started loosing weight rapidly and then all of a sudden stopped eating. At the vet he tested positive for pancreatitis and was given IV fluid medication. Then, he developed breathing problems so severe his eyes were rolling to the back of his head. To keep him stable he’s in an oxygen tent in the kitty ICU. They charge for the oxygen tent by the hour and he’s been needing it to stay stable for four nights in a row now. They thought it was “fluid overload” at first and tried taking him off of the oxygen. His breathing is not good enough to stay out of the oxygen tent, so they’re suspecting a lung infection. His lungs have filled up with fluids so they’re checking his heart to make sure there’s no cardiology issues currently. I’ll keep updating here as I find out more He’s currently starting another new medication to see if he improves. 

    With your help we can help her with some of the bills that have come up. Please find it in your heart to help with anything you can, whether big or small! Anything helps, and I know she will appreciate it from all of you! Thanks for your time.

    Update from Kimmy (2-3-25)- Rebel’s still on oxygen and we are trying diuretics, broader spectrum anti-biotics, a steroid medication, and I believe a saline nebulizer treatment. I’m really hoping for a positive outcome and to bring my best friend back home soon!

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