Raising money for Dementia UK

Raising money for Dementia UK


+ estimated £3 Gift Aid
£2,500 target

2 supporters

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Started on 4th April 2020 Huddersfield, England, United Kingdom

2 days ago I said goodbye to one of the most important women in my life to the devestating disease, dementia. My great grandma lived a spectacular life and lived healthily, maintaining high levels of independence! 

I’m raising money for dementia UK to not only fund vital community care, but to fund research into this horrible disease that affects so many people and families in the UK and worldwide and to hopefully one day, find a cure.

I appreciate with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment you may be financially tight, but I ask, even if it’s £1, everything helps.

Thank you and stay safe. 


Ryan Dawson
4th April 2020 at 12:56pm

pledged £10

4th April 2020 at 9:02am

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid