- have been absolutely dreading writing about this.
My journey through this illness so far has only got worse over time and has destroyed much of my life..
Nearly 2 years ago I took unwell and went to the doctor. To find it was a urine infection.. I got antibiotics and thought that was the end of it, But it wasent .. what followed was 3 months of constant infections and pain .. alot of antibiotics.. I was even on antibiotics full strength for 1 month.. I paid to see a specialist Urologist who couldn't figure out why this was happening and he concluded it wasent Urological.
I lost alot of weight.. I felt so much pain in my back around my pelvis.. and everytime I had my period I would be struggling to function.. eating.. sitting.. walking.. I started probiotics which by some miracle stopped the infections.. but I was left with agonising pelvic pain and still struggled with eating.. and functioning.
I found a pattern that related to my monthly cycle.. over the course of this past year my pain has doubled and I'm trying to hold down a full time job... 2 weeks I can be managing but the other 2 weeks are pure hell and agony..
I paid to see an Endometriosis specialist and he advised me to have the laparoscopy operation.. which is the only way to properly find and diagnose Endometriosis and treat it at the same time by Excision... which means cutting it out during the laparoscopy, the only problem was that would take years on the NHS waiting list unless I paid for it myself, i burned through all my savings paying for private medical investigation by this point.. so that wasent an option..so he put me on birth control.. to help manage symptoms.. unfortunately I couldn't tolerate the medication and that left me with only 1 option.. the laparoscopy.
What propelled me to set this up today?
I'm just over another horrible experience caused by my endometriosis.. not my bladder this time..
I couldn't go to the toilet for pain and bleeding.. after a whole week I finally got into the hospital and they found I have thrombosed internal hemorrhoids.. one of them had a blood clot and it was blocking me for going to the loo.. the pain was agonising.. the removed the clot but I have to return for possible removal of these in 2 months time...
These have been caused by the endometriosis the constant constipation and opposite all through the month.. this disease continues to destroy my system.. and my bodily functions..
I cant take it anymore. I've tried to live with this and get on with it.. but it just isn't possible.
I did not have to go into such detail but my life has got to the point where I need to create awareness of this.. I don't even know where this is in my body.. it can attach to your organs like bowel and bladder etc.. I'm absolutely sure it's in that area..
I could say this is humiliating and embarrassing sharing all this info... but it's not... I'm human and this is what happens when something is left untreated and growing out of control.
I've seen many women go down this route of crowdfunding to get the operation they need for this.. I have been encouraged by them to do the same.
If anyone I know is in the same boat and needs urgent help in regards to an operation.. I would encourage them to do the same and I wouldn't hesitate to donate..
This is why it's called a crowdfunding.. its the power of a little from alot of people..
If everyone I knew donated just a fiver... I would be on my way to the operating table.
- And that would be my hopes and wish.