Gary was a client of mine. His beautiful girl Lowenna had suspected degenerative myelopathy, a disease that affects the spinal cord in dogs, causing progressive muscle weakness and loss of coordination. Gary and his family were exceptional in their dedication for caring for Lowenna and they did EVERYTHING they possibly could to enhance her quality of life and longevity.
Gary thinks outside the box, he's creative and thinks on his feet and noticed he had a quality that was rare and a heart that was pure!
I applied for a grant with Cornwall Council to expand my business to help me with costs to educate and train people locally, sadly it was denied.
Gary is one of those people who would benefit our profession in Small Animal Rehab. He works hard, he has integrity and devoted to animals and I'm hoping we can raise enough money to send him on this course so I can hire him!
Please help. The course is with k9HSCOURSE.COM all fees are on the website and I'm just looking to cover the course cost and give Gary some petrol money for clinical placement.