RABBLE Theatre tell local stories of national significance in amazing spaces. One of the most impressive of all is Reading Minster, founded in the 8th Century. The brilliant team at the minster have an inclusive modern approach to outreach and want to welcome us, as well as other organisations, into their incredible space to perform. But they can’t. The tech is outdated and unusable, so everything has to be hired for each show adding up to £30k to a budget.
We have a specific list of lighting and sound equipment compiled by a trusted local supplier coming to a total of £60k, which will last for many years and benefit us, the minster and many other local organisations looking to use the space.
Therefore, RABBLE will be running in this year’s Reading Half Marathon on 23rd March to help raise the funds needed for this technical equipment. RABBLE’s team will be made up of staff, actors, students, supporters and friends – all running dressed as our favourite theatre and film characters!
Each of us has experienced a huge personal benefit from the work that RABBLE does and so much of their work is unseen. Did you know that they…
- are keeping youngsters safe and inspired through establishing a community group aimed at keeping children away from violence
- run interview role play sessions for the homeless, in association with Launchpad
- work with excluded children to reintegrate them into school
- offer accessible tickets to disadvantaged children who might otherwise not get the opportunity to see live, professional theatre.
- are one of the most celebrated regional theatre companies in the UK (Telegraph Top 5 UK Show 2023, Muddy Stilettos Best Arts, Theatre & Culture 2024, Guardian Top 20, Sits Regional Production of the Year)
- taught 1,931 local children and adults last year, 920 of whom were financially supported thanks to our own fundraising efforts.
- And heaps more, here
Please give generously!
Meet the team
Toby Davies, RABBLE’s Co-Artistic Director
The first show we ever produced was Twelfth Night, inside the incredible Reading Minster, back in 2012 and we’ve done plenty more together since then. Fair to say that none of us ever expected to be doing this in 13 years’ time to raise funds to continue our work!
If we can raise this money, we can keep working together. Not only that, though; the minster will be able to say YES (instead of no) to the many other art, music and other cultural organisations that want to use their space. This of course means higher community engagement, higher footfall, more funding, a greater cultural landscape in Reading.
Toby says, “I can’t wait to run alongside our students, work-experience inters, staff and friends as well as members of the Minster team! It’s going to be great fun. As a charity, we’re here to create world-class theatre that builds community pride and gets people inside our most fascinating spaces. Anything you can give will help. Thank you!"
Ed Nash
Ed has been part of the RABBLE community for about five years. He started with Get Up On Stage and worked his way onto a RABBLE show, eventually becoming a production assistant for Henry I. Ed says, “For me, RABBLE has provided incredible connections and friendships within Reading’s performing arts community – one I didn’t even know existed before. The work I’ve been lucky to be a part of and the projects I’ve seen the company produce have been fantastic. RABBLE is a vital part of our community, offering people of all ages a welcoming space to be themselves and get involved in the arts.”
Ed last ran the Reading Half Marathon in 2018, without any training (not his smartest move he admits, but got it done!). Growing up in Reading, he feels a local race with so much community support is always exciting. Over the past few years, he’s done a lot of running and joined two fantastic local run clubs, but this time he’s aiming high, and has a personal goal to complete the race in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Ed says, “They say sharing your goals is motivating – so there it is! It’s a tough goal, but with the support of the RABBLE community, I believe anything is possible.”
Ed can’t wait to be back on the course, representing RABBLE and hopefully setting a new personal best!
Kathy Tytler
Kathy has been an enthusiastic participant in RABBLE’s Get Up On Stage for several years. She says she “also loves seeing and volunteering as ‘front of house’ at RABBLE’s wonderful productions.”
Kathy used to be a slow long-distance runner, but now regularly runs 5k at parkrun. After volunteering at Reading Half Marathon for the last few years, she says, “I welcome the motivation to run it again. I look forward to a social run (and walk) around Reading with a group from RABBLE. Maybe I can answer the question; ‘Is it more tiring to run it or marshal all day at the start and finish?’”
Alice Youngs
Alice has been involved with RABBLE Theatre for a few years, participating in their Get Up On Stage course. She’s a professional children’s entertainer, and has performed for pantomime, Chessington World of Adventures and LaplandUK. She has always wanted to run the Reading Half Marathon, watching her Dad run it quite a few years while she grew up and is excited to be joining him this year! Alice says, “I’m happy to be running Reading Half Marathon for such a good cause. RABBLE Theatre have given me invaluable training, as well as friends and a community.”
Jo Cowan
Jo has been involved with RABBLE for several years, through Get Up On Stage, their Stage Combat courses and adult LAMDA classes.
Jo says, “RABBLE’s done so much for my confidence and my career, so I’m looking forward to running for the charity.” She continues, “RABBLE has also been an important part of my life since becoming a mum, a creative outlet amidst a very busy world and a place to meet a supportive group of like-minded people who are from all walks of life.”
Laura Guimarães
Laura is an actor musician from Reading. She says, “RABBLE are a hugely supportive and passionate part of the community and an integral part of bringing the acting industry to Reading. I have loved both teaching drama and public speaking locally with RABBLE, as well as working as an actor within their productions.”