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To Support local families to accommodating and providing for workers who have been displaced into the West Bank with nowhere to go
by UnityMusic in London, Greater London, United Kingdom
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Palestinian workers have been stranded since the start of the Israeli war against Gaza, as Israeli employers have expelled them from their work and sent them to the West Bank, where they have no place to stay. The people of the West Bank received and accommodated them as best they could, but there are thousands of workers who are stranded so far and are unable to secure shelter or to buy basic provisions, including food, clothing, and sleeping covers.
However, through the efforts of individuals and some Palestinian institutions, some of the workers were provided with blankets and secure temporary accommodation in public spaces, such as guesthouses, indoor playgrounds and theatres.
However large numbers of them remain homeless. Please could you give any amount you can to help us to provide the basics for these displaced people
عمال غزة : حيث انقطعت بهم السبل منذ بدء الحرب الاسرائيلة مع غزة حيث قام المشغلين الاسرائيليين بطردهم من اعمالهم الى الضفة ولم يعد لديهم مكان للمبيت فيه حيث استقبلوهم اهل الضفة بقدر ما يستطيعوا ولكن هنالك الالاف من العمال مقطوعة بهم السبل لحد الان ولا يستطيعو ان يؤمنوا مأؤى للنوم وعدم قدرتهم على شراء حاجياتهم من مأكل وملبس وغطاء للنوم
ولكن بجهود الاشخاص وبعض المؤسسات الفلسطينية استطاعوا ان يؤمنوا جزء من العمال بالاغطية وبعض الاماكن العامة للمبيت مثل الملاعب المغلقة
ولكن : لا زال هنالك عدد كبير بلا مأوى
ساعدو اهل غزة بقدر ما تستطيعوا
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