Dear All.
I am an almost 40 year old man with 2 Beautifull children and a Loving and again Pregnant partner. We live in a small annex and althoug our space os not big we have a happy family filled with love.
I have been living most of my life with kidney disease / kidney transplant and have gotten more health issues as a result of my transplant and Immuno suppressants / stereoids such as Diabetes, Fibro Myalgia/Chronic Pain and fatigue and Early onset ostoporosis.
I used to work on a mental health ward and is now working as admin for the NHS ad I could not work in such a risky and Heavy environment anymore. I love working as Admin full Time and I am very good at my job, Unfortunately it does not pay well.
I broke my tooth 2 years ago and the dentist says I need a prostetic replacement as one of my visible corner upside teeth which affects my confidence. Luckily my partner is not for judging appearence and loves me for who I am which is the gratest tjing you can have in life together with 2 wonderfull little boys.
I have a car that needs MOT and possibly repairs and service. A non functioning window and a failing battery + more.
I have a lot of debt as I Constantly am in my overdraft and balancing my crefit cards every month with rent and havingbto provide for my family. We can't send children to nursery as it is redicoulously expensive in the uk and my partner then have to care for our childre.
I am asking for some help to get out of debt and being able to do my MOT and fix my broken tooth. so that I can eventually apply for better paying jobs and feel that my broken tooth does not give a bad impression in interviews. I have been struggeling economically as long as I can remember due to health issues and I have been in credit debt for most of my adult life.
I would be forever greatfull to all the charitable souls that help make this world a better place and helps people without knowing them.
I do want to further educate myself in administration sciences as I feel like I have found a calling in this role.
This is something it has taken a lot of me to ask as I feel not good having to but I do need to fing a way of gettimg out of this evil economical circle and I thank everyone who would be kind to help.