Falmouth Masters: Crafting Our Final Vision

by Prosthetic Ma 2024 in Falmouth, , Egyesült Királyság

Falmouth Masters: Crafting Our Final Vision

Total raised £0

£4,000 target 81 days left
0% 0 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 30th April 2025 at 10:20am

Support our master degree project! Your help funds our final work and brings our vision to life. Thank you!

by Prosthetic Ma 2024 in Falmouth, , Egyesült Királyság

Support Our Final Degree Project!

We’re a passionate team working on our final degree project, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Your support will help us cover essential costs—materials, research, and production—ensuring we bring our vision to life at the highest quality. By contributing, you’re not just funding a project; you’re investing in the future of emerging professionals. Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to success. Join us on this journey and be part of something truly meaningful!

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Anybody who contributes

At the end of summer, we’re hosting an exhibition where you can meet us, explore our work, and chat! Date is not planned yet.

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